
Why I started my own clothing line

How I learned to just go for it

Andrew Castro
4 min readSep 23, 2013


I am a software engineer. I went to school for software engineering. I worked as a web developer but there was always something I loved to do and that is to design.

Ever since I can remember I’ve always been fascinated by design. It could be an article in a magazine, a piece of furniture, an innovative app interface or maybe just a really cool t-shirt. Whatever it was I knew that one day I wanted to build something that people would use and that they would enjoy.

When I got to college I took a web design class. It taught me the basics of design tools such as Adobe’s Illustrator and Photoshop (just enough to get by). I don’t know why but something clicked that semester. I found myself addicted to designing. I could get lost creating a logo for hours. I even had an instance where I was so focused on my designs at school that I hadn’t realized what time is was until a security guard came into the computer lab completely stunned and said “What are you doing here? Its 3am”. I laughed and said “Sorry sir I must have lost track of time”.

There’s only one way I can describe the feeling. Say you’ve always had an idea for an app. Its been your dream to make this app come to life. Then somewhere down the road you develop the skills to build an app. What are you going to do? You’re going to build build build until you fall asleep in front of your computer (which also happened to me).

I realized something during that period. I spent more time designing than I did programming. Not usually a problem unless you’re a software engineer…

A company was born

Two summers later I’m laying at home after work. I had been a little envious of my fellow coworkers because they get to design all day and although I enjoy programming I was dying to design something. I had always wanted to start my own clothing line just because I thought it would be really cool seeing someone wearing my designs. Just like the Nike slogan “Just do it” I did it. I worked on a logo all night until I finally had something I was proud of.

My logo consisted of a palm tree which growing up in California I always thought was a beautiful thing. I decided the focus of my clothing line would be about the california lifestyle and what people love about this state. I was really excited about this but for now all I had was a logo and an idea.

Networking pays off

The next day I show up to work excited with my new idea for a company. I couldn’t stop smiling. I finally took the first step to doing something I’ve always wanted to do. I told the people in my office and they liked the idea as well.

This is where networking pays off. Turns out my coworker knew a guy who had just ordered a new t-shirt printer and was looking to get into the custom t-shirt business. He gave me his number and I got in contact with him.

You had me at first shirt

After talking to the t-shirt guy we were able to work something out and he printed me a sample shirt with my logo on it. After that there was no turning back. I was all in and was determined to get this clothing line into peoples hands. I bought a domain name, created an online store put up a few items and my company was born.

So tell me again why you started your own clothing line?

I started my own clothing line for 2 main reasons. There’s nothing I enjoy more than seeing someone wear one of my shirts. Words can’t describe the feeling you get watching someone get excited over your product. That’s what I love most. I’m not in it for the money I’m in it because I just love to design and I love seeing my designs bring joy to people.

The second reason is I want to encourage others to do what they love. I actually designed a shirt that says this because I feel it’s important to be reminded of it. I’m a software engineer who always enjoyed to design things. Maybe you have a job where you are happy but there’s still something you’ve always wanted to do but just haven’t found the time to do it or don’t have the skills to do it. If you really want that thing just go for it. Stop thinking about it and just do it. We have the internet now and access to so many resources. There’s no excuse to not do what you love. If you don’t have the skills, take a class. There are a ton of online classes where you don’t even have to drive anywhere. Invest in yourself. The worst that can happen is you learn something new. If you don’t want to learn then just ask around. Network with people odds are someone might have or know of someone with the skills you need.

My name is Andrew Castro, I did what I love to do and I created

