3 Highly Ignored Subjects that Are Actually the Ones We Need the Most

None of them are taught in school.

Neeramitra Reddy
Ascent Publication
Published in
6 min readJun 7, 2021


There’s such a huge divide between what we’re taught and what we actually need to know in life that it’s almost funny.

It’s the perfect rat wheel trap — Plop into school. Get good grades. Get into a prestigious college. Take a student loan. Get good grades again. Land a high-paying job. Live paycheck to paycheck. Hate your job but slave away. Finally, pay off the student loan. Your paycheck increases but so do your expenses. Slave away. Get married. Continue to slave away. Have kids. Pull them into the rat-wheel as well. Retire at 60 — to “live” whatever life’s left.

This is the life society and schooling sets us up for. Not life, mere existence, to be accurate.

Just a couple of years ago, I had envisioned the same “life” for myself, albeit fancier. But that’s drastically changed now — Having gotten off the rat wheel, I’m forging my own path.

With a lifestyle that meets my definition of perfection and striving towards my ideal of success, I’ve never been happier. And this is mainly thanks to exploring three subjects that most of us ignore.

The Key to Better Understand Ourselves and Others



Neeramitra Reddy
Ascent Publication

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