My May 2024 Medium Income — Report

Seeing things for what they are

Tim J. Schröder
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Štefan Štefančík on Unsplash

May has been a month of constant searching.

After only 7 months in Munich, my GF and I decided to move back to Stuttgart to prioritize family and friends there.

Despite our hopes for living in a bigger and greener city, we returned every second weekend to see friends and family.

That made us search for a flat.

My GF is about to finish her studies, which makes her look for a job. I look for my form. After being in Asia for six weeks, I searched for ways to get my business back up and running and more time to write here, too.

Stats don’t lie.

I let you (and myself) down

After April being the best month I ever had on Medium, I fell back into old negative patterns in May.

I didn’t reach my goal of 30 minutes of engagement daily. While I published my declared 35 stories, I wasn’t consistent enough to publish daily.

I won’t lie: my focus was off.

Having too many other things on my head, including viewings, finding new furniture, and getting back into client work, I put too little focus on Medium.



Tim J. Schröder
Write A Catalyst

Ghostwriter & Identity Architect | Earned $200,000+ ghostwriting | Join me here: