Wait! What The Hell Is Silicon Docks?!?

Everything you might not know about Silicon Docks, from someone in the heart of it…

Attila Vágó
Bricks n’ Brackets
7 min readNov 1, 2022


Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash

You mean Silicon Valley, right? No, dude. If I had meant Silicon Valley, I would have said Silicon Valley. I didn’t get it wrong, I don’t have dementia, amnesia or had a few too many drinks last night. I am completely aware of my surroundings, and what I just…



Attila Vágó
Bricks n’ Brackets

Staff software engineer, tech writer, author and opinionated human. LEGO and Apple fan. Accessibility advocate. Life enthusiast. Living in Dublin, Ireland. ☘️