Sparkling Eyes and Uphill path — COVID19 Lock-down Day 8

2020, When wheel stopped (or slowed down)…

Pradeep Miriyala
2 min readApr 1, 2020


(Read Week 1 [Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7])

Sparkling Eyes

On regular working day, I mean when I had to spend 2 hours in traffic and rest of hours for work, I’m blessed with multiple pairs of sparkling eyes. Those are my children. Every day upon return from long day, I would be welcomed by sparkling eyes and excitement in their faces.

So, does WFH means I will be missing that sparkles and excitement. I realized very soon, staying at home enabled me to witness those sparkles and excitement every minute me and my kids are awake.

It is a responsibility rather than a privilege to be a parent and live that experience. During WFH, I have to be more cautious as not to show any sign of negligence or work related stress.

Who else would be a better role model for kid rather than their parents?

Uphill curve

The India Corona virus growth curve is still solid at average growth of 10% per day. But the I believe, there will be more cases going forward and it is going to be a more than a uphill task, there are many things to fight here at same time:

  • Basic needs (Food, Hospitals, Nursing, Medicine)
  • Economy
  • Social unrest from continued lock-down

In this situation, we need to be proactive in reducing some of our needs. I was told many times how Lal Bahadur Sashtri’s appeal for half day meal worked during Indo-china war. This is time to replicate commitment of similar sort. We may win or lose the fight, but we must always give our best.

Fools of April

When I was a kid, this day (April 1) used to be a fun day and we always had kind of competition to make others fool on that day. But one incident made me realize how stupid I was.

When I was 12 or so, there used to be a neighbor. On Mar 31, they are desperately waiting for one of the family friends or relatives to provide some assistance. The assistance didn’t came. Next day April 1, I used it as opportunity to make fun of them by telling a lie. If my father was not around at that time, I would never have knew how foolish and stupid I was. I was corrected immediately.

That day, I have learned one important lesson, when you want to prank or fool someone be cautious, it might hurt you and them more than you can ever imagine. Don’t destroy other’s hopes for a rubbish “April fool”.

Today we crave for organic in every bit, lets start that craving from heart.
A little fun is always needed, ensure that is not a foolish prank.

Stay safe… Stay stronger than ever, for dark is yet to come…



Pradeep Miriyala

Engineer by profession, Programmer by interest, Poet/Writer by hobby. Poetry blog: