The Sixth Sense is the “Feeling Mind”

intuition is gained from the psychic sixth sense of feeling vibrations

Reyna Park
5 min readJan 24, 2023
Photo by Helena Lopes at Unsplash.

I hope this story falls in the hands of the right people.

We are not taught this in school: the sixth sense will bring profound clarity to your life.

We have been taught to affirm communication through the senses sight, touch, hearing, smell, taste. There is a sixth sense that is purely intuitive.

The sixth sense may also be called the felt sense or the feeling mind.

The felt sense is tied to our awareness of this world. It is similar to sensing a bear in the woods when you are walking alone — you may feel that there is “someone” else around before hearing or seeing them.

The felt sense shows us that everything is an energetic projection that can be felt with the body.

We exist energetically. Our auras radiate energy and affect all things around us. So, even a bear has a projection of energetic frequency that is detectable to us as it radiates through space.

When we tune into the subtle feeling of radiating energy, we tune into the sixth sense. We are connecting to our spiritual consciousness and developing spiritual discernment. With this discernment we can explore a few things, like:


Everything has a vibration. Some things appear nice, like a cheap bag, but may have a low vibration (was created in a way that harmed people or the environment). Feeling vibrations is the power of discernment that our guts have. A low vibration like this gives us a sinking feeling in our gut. A handmade item or an item that has been treated with care will have a higher vibration and feel better in our energy sphere. One could explore various items and household objects to tune into the feeling mind!

Long Distance Energetic “Chords”

Vibrations are unique, and when we create a relationship with a person there is no other vibration in the universe that matches this. Vibrations “connect” us to people we spend a lot of time with even when we are not physically together, because by sharing the fabric of Universal spacetime, we are always together in a spiritual realm connected to Spirit.

Our thoughts have specific and discernible frequencies, and sharing thoughts creates a joint frequency or tapestry of frequencies if you will. A shared vibration created between two people resonates within each of their auras. This vibration is a constant exchange of energy. The way one thinks of another matters!

Some energetic chords are beneficent and some are maleficent. Unconditional thoughts and acts towards a person will not create energetic clogging. Yet we are imperfect, and we treat ourselves others below the level of unconditional love. This generates trauma and drama, which we must then later process, and thus free up our energetic channels from maleficent chords. Chords can be cleared. I find it helpful to clear only maleficent chords (say and visualize/intend, I now clear all chords that are not in my highest good).

See if you can using your feeling mind to discern an energetic chord with another person during meditation. You can send them distant reiki, or pray for them. Energetic chords are one explanation for why prayer really does work. It is a means to channel energy and intention to one another.


The energetic chord is how we can have telepathy with people. We think that we are isolated when we are alone in bed, but no no, not at all. We are very much still connected energetically to our family and friends and enemies. Each time that we think of them, we are changing the shared vibration by adding the energy of our thoughts.

If they are aware of this process and practice it, two people can speak telepathically through the feeling mind.

Extremely clairvoyant folks can even “read your mind” — this just means that they are sensitive to subtle shifts in energy fields. All content is associated with a vibration. Some people, like myself, can discern the content based off of feeling the vibration.

Twin flames have telepathy and this is because their auras are close to exactly the same, so they have similar vibrations.

So, telepathy is the result of having a strong high vibration between two (or more) people, who have also developed their sixth sense feeling minds.

Quality of Relationships

When we are in conversation with people, the “connection” that we feel to them is result of our auras interacting and harmonizing with each other like tuning forks.

When we form relationships, our auras’ energies magnetize and repel each other, creating grooves and spaces in each others auras. This is why it feels so easy to fall back in stride when visiting with an old friend, or meeting a soul mate. You feel held by that person because there is a space within both of your auras where your energy blends nicely, with little repelling.

Photo source unknown, given to me by one of my Reiki Masters

No matter how brief the relationship — perhaps it is just a store clerk- our auras are always interacting and we can feel this through the felt sense.

Some aura formations are beneficent and some are maleficent. For example, a hook and grasp configuration is typically associated with toxic relationships or relationships that involve control. In this photo, the last two are associated with healthy auric configurations. Boundary containment would particularly be for protection, while Power-Will display would be particularly for those situations. A nice and healthy aura is smooth and elliptical and sits about 3 feet out from your chest. Visualization and intention to set this aura is all one needs.

So, what do you think of the sixth sense feeling mind? Where have you experienced it? How do you know you are developing spiritual discernment? Let me know if you’d like to develop your sixth sense, and I can link you to exercises.



I am a lightworker — To learn more divine truths, and to manage your own healing, give me a follow on this publication!

