Latest TX Poll Numbers. Abbott Still 7 pts Ahead.

Kat Loveland
Political Writings
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2022

Well, guess they haven’t suffered enough yet. This feels like Bernie all over again.

Screenshot from the article

New numbers from this article seem to show that Beto has hit his ceiling. He is not gaining enough among white people and indies, as usual and people are getting locked in on their vote preference.

You can dig into the numbers more but here’s the part that hurts the most. More Dems are willing to cross the line and vote for Abbott than GOP are willing to cross to vote for Beto.

Thanks, DINOs, thanks a lot.

Oh and for everyone thinking that Roe V Wade was going to drive this huge wave of women to convert to Dems, look at the numbers. 44% of women still support Abbott. The only demographic that Beto is doing really well in is with Black people, we can’t keep relying on blacks to save our asses. They’re beyond tired of it, as they should be. The 7 pt lead for Beto among Hispanics is concerning after all the shit that went on at the border. I feel that the deep roots of Catholicism and links to countries with fascist/Socialist dictators is hurting Dems in that Demographic.

Eighty-five percent of Republicans say they’d vote for Abbott in the race for governor, while 81 percent of Democrats say they’d vote for O’Rourke.

A slightly higher percentage of Democrats reported they’d cross party lines to back Abbott than Republicans who said they’d do the same for O’Rourke — 12 percent and 8 percent, respectively.

Higher percentages of respondents said Abbott would do a better job than O’Rourke at handling crime reduction, border security, electrical grid management and the economy, though more respondents said O’Rourke would be better at “bringing people together” than Abbott.

In all, 47 percent of respondents said they approved of Abbott’s job performance and 49 percent disapproved. More than half of voters surveyed also said they thought Texas was “headed off on the wrong track” under its current leadership, at 56 percent, while 43 percent said it’s “headed in the right direction.”

At the same time, slightly more than half of respondents — 53 percent — said they approved of Abbott’s management of the state’s economy

Beto’s numbers haven’t moved much in the past few months. He hopped up from 12–15pts behind to hover around 6–8 pts behind. People are pointing to all his rallies as signs that things are changing, all the first time voters and people saying they are switching from GOP to Dem, yeah I remember that with Bernie too. Same energy and I fear it will be the same results.

Beto is charismatic, he’s the underdog, he’s fiery and he spurs emotion and hope among a lot of people, he works his ass off and he has compassion. All admirable traits, but conservatives seem to be fine with living through a slowly moving dystopian nightmare and “Indies” are usually GOP that are turned off by Trump but still right leaning so given a choice between a GOP and a Lib, will still most likely vote for the GOP candidate. They just don’t want to tell their friends they’re still conservative.

The MOE on this poll is 2.7 % which means even if the MOE is in Beto’s favor, he’s still close to four points behind.

I am not expecting TX to turn blue. I’ve seen this story before. This doesn’t bode well for midterms overall. Texas has been through hell lately and white people still don’t give a shit. Not surprising.

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Kat Loveland
Political Writings

The only consistency in this author’s wheelhouse is mindfuckery. Writer, editor, blogger. Books here