How Working Online Is Like Being a Cat

Joe Putnam
2 min readJul 16, 2014

About four weeks ago, my wife and I got a new cat.

His name is Jack, and yes, he’s both nimble and quick.

Recently, he’s been jumping onto my desk during the workday. For whatever reason, he likes to get on my desk while I’m working.

I don’t mind, for the most part, since I’m a cat guy, but it can get ever so obnoxious at times since he likes playing with anything and everything within reach. He attempts to settle down and sleep, but if any “toys” catch his eye, they’re irresistible.

Pens. Watches. Paper balls. Paper. My typing fingers. They’re all irresistible.

And that got me thinking. Being a cat is a little like working online. You do your best to stay focused, but it’s really hard.

First, you check your email. Then you take a quick glance at Facebook. (I do marketing, by the way, so checking Facebook is part of my job…) Next, you head back to your inbox to make sure you haven’t missed anything in the last five minutes. Wait, what’s that noise? A Skype chat? Better check before someone gets mad you didn’t respond in the first 5.57 seconds (internet response time requirements are quite demanding, you know).

Before you know it, it’s noon, and you haven’t gotten any real work done. Better eat that lunch quick before getting back to your work…right after you check your email one last time, of course…

It’s all part of the struggle of working online. If you work outside in the heat, then you’re probably not sure what I’m complaining about.

Here’s the answer: The hardest part about being a cat is not being able to get your much needed sleep when “toys” are around. The hardest part about working online? Shutting everything out and getting real work done. If you work online, you know what I mean.

p.s. Jack almost rolled off the desk as he turned over in his sleep while I was putting the finishing touches on this essay. His struggle is real too, you know.

p.p.s. If anyone wants to re-publish this, feel free. Just make sure to let people know it was written by @josephputnam on Medium.



Joe Putnam

I run where we help eCommerce brands profitably and predictably grow their sales.