Important Notice: Founders’ Tokens

Ugur Yildirim
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2018

With our first anniversary fast approaching, the 16% of the total supply of HVN allocated to the team’s founders are due to be unlocked and could potentially be sold. However, we are strong believers in the long-term success of the company as we push hard for the Hive Terminal to become one of the unicorns of the fintech world.

Therefore, the founders, including myself, would like to stress that we have no intention of selling our HVN tokens until the Hive Terminal is running as it should be.

The main account is public and can be found HERE. As of today’s date, it holds 17.8086% of the total HVN supply. The reason this is not a flat 16% is because this amount also includes unclaimed tokens from our token sale contributors. When all these uncollected tokens are eventually claimed, exactly 16% of the total supply of HVN will remain in this account.

Since the tokens represent an integral part of the valuation of a startup, we believe that selling any of our tokens now would be irrational. We locked our tokens 1 year ago because we believe in the Hive Terminal, and there is no reason for our position to change now — in fact, our confidence has only strengthened. Furthermore, to underline our commitment, we have decided to notify the community in advance of any tokens that are eventually sold from this 16%.

Thank you for your attention. To keep up with all the latest about the development of the Hive Terminal, please join our Telegram channel here!



Ugur Yildirim

CFO at Hiveterminal ( — A blockchain based platform providing SMEs fast and low-cost liquidity.