Attraction, Leadership, Stress Management, and The Winds of Change

Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2017

What is the true sign of a leader? Is it the ability to tell others what to do? Or is it the ability to manage stress in the winds of change brought on by a recession?

I put it to you that it’s all about leadership

Picture a sailboat out on the water sailing from L.A. to Hawaii. The Captain knows where she is going and even why she is going there. She sets sail on a beautiful sunny afternoon, there’s a warm breeze in her sails and the magnificent pacific is open and deeply inviting as the deep blue of the water reflects the clear blue of the sky above.

Suddenly, the wind picks up and with it, the ocean’s waves begin to swell, clouds come rolling in turning a clear blue sky ominously gray. The sail begins to flap harshly against the ever building storm. The Captain remains cool, clear and proactive. She knows where she’s going and realizes that she must change course a little in order to stay afloat, she tacks to the starboard aiming the boats nose more towards the wind. She does this not too far, but just enough, because she knows she must use this wind as the fuel to push her through and over the swell.

Our captain knows that in order to get to where she wants to go it is better to use what is coming at her to move her forward, even if it appears to be slightly off course. She knows that to become rigid and inflexible will not only not get her to her destination it may sink her, her ship and the dreams she carries with her.

You, my friend, are the captain of your own ship sailing towards a destiny, but what destiny is it?

The question is will you get wrecked on the economic rocks as the winds of change pick up and blow against you or will you adjust and use the change to push you even faster towards your destination? You can complain about the economic situation or you can use it. Find out how it might be really good for you. I know it can seem crazy, but even this simple shift can change what you begin attracting into your life. If you decide it’s all crap then you wouldn’t know opportunity if it came up and gave you a big wet kiss.

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Dov Baron is first and foremost “The Dragonist”. As The Dragonist, he teaches us how to recognize, find, retain and nurture dragons (top talent) hidden within our organizations.

Want to learn more about what Dov has to offer, and how you too can become a Dragonist in your realm? If you and your leadership team are dedicated to getting the result you set out to achieve in the most meaningful manner, bring Dov in to speak to your organization about the strategic advantages of Dragon Leadership. Go here to get started.

With gratitude,
Dov Baron…

Copyright: Dov Baron International 2020



Thrive Global

Inc Magazine Top 100 Leadership Speaker, Top30 Global Leadership Guru, Inc #1 Podcast for Fortune 500 Executives, The Worlds Leading Meaning Authority