Holy Hormones Bible Study: If your book isn’t a buzz, it’s not the Bible.


Typos in the Torah #10

Brad Banardict
The Dove


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In an article dated 1992–07–24 a Jim Meritt posted, “A List of Biblical Contradictions.” There were about 65 of them. This series will gradually work through them, as time allows.

Who is this post for?

Those who waste their time finding fault with the Word of God.

It is one of a series on Typos in the Torah.

The reason for this particular post

Anyone who may have been following the series, Typos in the Torah, would have noticed in one of the articles that there are, indeed, typos in the Torah. You may have also noticed that I am an industrial strength, hard core, fundamentalist, conservative, borne again Christian.

Surely not!!! Wash your mouth out with soap and water!

You may also have noticed that I believe that the Bible is Inspired, Inerrant, and Infallible.

Well, there’s a contradiction, right there!

Really? What is your reference to make such a statement?

I don’t know about you but I have two references.


What is your definition of the Bible?

That seems like a reasonable place to start. But I’m not asking you. I’m asking Jesus.

When asked by a lawyer, “Which is the great commandment in the Law,” it is written in Matthew 22:37–40 || Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

NT Saints commonly focus in on v37–39. A wise move but there’s another bit — v40, On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets — to which a significant portion (?majority?) of the church has cast a blind eye in my part of town. He was speaking to Jews who knew the Old Testament when it was the only Testament, and He gave equal weighting to the Torah (Teachings) and the Prophets (what the Teachings were all about). I’m open to correction but, to me, there are words unspoken in that sentence.

• Know the Torah (Teachings)
• Know what the Prophets said.

What does Einstein have to do with it?

When I was failing Physics in days of yore I misunderstood General Relativity as well as anyone, but the thing I remember is that something that has no mass is not subjected to time. God is a Spirit, as is written in John 4:24║ God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth,” so, by definition, has no mass so is outside of time.

Not, “Has no time.”

Not, “Has lots of time.”

But, “Outside of time.”

How does Someone outside of time communicate with someone trapped inside time?

By telling them what will happen before it happens. That is, Prophecy.

Not, “Prediction.” This requires some general history.

Not, “Guessing.” This requires brain-farts.

Not, “Mathematical Regression.” This requires preexisting detailed information.

But it is God telling mere mortals what is going to happen long before there is any natural indication that it could occur.

It is described in more detail in PROPHECY 101 Introduction to Bible Inerrancy .

The writing on the wall incident

An example: through Isaiah, God wrote a letter to Cyrus the Great describing Cyrus’s military career, as well as the events of the night the latter would subdue Babylon without a shot being fired (a modern idiom) — it is worth following up in Daniel 5 and history books. Isaiah’s Prophecy was uttered about 150 years before Cyrus came onto the scene.

The minute detail is eye-watering.

In the letter to Cyrus, God prophesied that He would loose the loins of kings. (Isaiah 45:1)

Read Daniel 5 for the background of Belshazzar’s Writing on the Wall incident. It takes 4–5 minutes and would be a life saver — but the choice remains yours.

Within the Chapter it is written in Daniel 5:6║Then the king’s countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote one against another.(KJV)

Joints of his loins were loosed,” is an Elizabethan English euphemism of a Hebraism meaning, “Loss of sphincter control.” Putting it as gently as I know how, that means he soiled his own underpants and his knees trembled.


God informs us of His Ability

It is written in Isaiah 46:8–10║ “Remember this, and show yourselves to be men; Recall to mind, O you transgressors. Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,’

That is prophecy. It was about a 150 year gap between Isaiah and Belshazzar. A linear regression linking those two events would be interesting to see.

The old chestnut against prophecy

It is argued by some that fulfilled Prophecies are just a product of something that happened which was inserted back in an earlier book. Forgetting the logistics of secretly, and seamlessly, editing all copies of the Tanakh which were hand written and widely scattered; this argument may have gained some traction until recently. But to think that someone organised a group of counterfeiters to traverse the world, changing every copy of the Bible (the biggest selling book in the world) by inserting the Prophecies about the Holocaust and the Wandering Jew returning to the Beautiful Land — without being noticed — is a long stretch.

If you read about what was happening in Europe from about 1933 to 1945 you will see that many people thought that Hitler was the anti-Christ, and Daniel’s Final Week had begun. The effective argument against this was that Israel was not back in the Land. Things have obviously changed.

Jesus makes it clearer

It is written in John 13:19║ Now I tell you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am (He).

The Textus Receptus shows that the pronoun, “He,” has been inserted into the English; 13:19 ἀπ᾽ ἄρτι λέγω ὑμῖν πρὸ τοῦ γενέσθαι ἵνα ὅταν γένηται πιστεύσητε ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι (no “He” here.)

Jesus is a Jew speaking to Torah literate Jews. They would hear the unspoken words that NT Gentiles don’t. He is telling them He is I AM — God.



These examples of Prophecy have been published by me ad nauseam, but just in case you’ve missed them.


3 stories


3 stories

So what does the narrative of the Bible reveal?

It is there for the world to see (at least this member of the world) that God is putting down a rebellion in Heaven. And He is so confident that he has given Himself a monumentally sized handicap — He is doing it with Human Beings. The deciphering keys are laced all through the Prophets.

On top of that, He has laid out His Redemption Plan in a legal document — which also happens to be the Bible — which also happens to be Prophecy. It begins at Genesis3:15 and ends at Revelation21:1, with the thread, personified in Yeshua HaMashiach, overtly or covertly in every verse. The Apocalyptic books are Revelation, Daniel, Zechariah, Jeremiah, Joel, Malachi, Amos, Ezekiel. Isaiah, Zephaniah, Haggai and in some parts of Psalms. Yeshua’s sojourn on Earth, the pivotal time, lasted only a few years and is covered by four different perspectives of that same period.

In Daniel’s 70 Week Prophecy, God has given everyone warning that He will:-

• finish the transgression,

• make an end of sins,

• make reconciliation for iniquity,

• bring in everlasting righteousness.

You may scoff if you like.


If you don’t think it is the Bible that confirms Archaeology these days, rather than the reverse, you haven’t been paying attention.

This came in just today (23 September, 2024.)

Archaeologists discover 3,000-year-old structure mentioned in the Bible

So why do I believe that the Bible is Inspired, Inerrant, and Infallible? Even with the typos.

The Table below is a broad outline of the prophecy History of Israel. The predicament of Israel at any particular time is HaShem’s timepiece for His Redemption Plan. Thirteen of the sixteen prophecies concerning Israel have come to pass (Ref: Derek Prince Ministries). That’s 100% so far, and 81½% overall with more to come. May 14, 1948 should have sealed it. June 1967, was the exclamation mark!

There is nothing now preventing Prophecy 14. We are living in the signs of the times.

In Engineering Project terms, Israel is God’s Gantt Chart.

So, while there is so much emotional energy being wasted on typos which have been well known from earliest copies — except, apparently, modern scholarship — God has been frying much bigger fish.

Whether you agree with Him or not, He has brought the world to where it is with the massive amount of activity that is happening all over the planet today. Israel is back in the Land (as Prophesied), in disobedience (as Prophesied). Already, a US Congressman has floated the idea that a consortium of countries put “boots on the ground” to police the Gaza Strip and “control Israel.” “Every one knows” that a Two-State solution is the only viable option.

Does it really matter if someone had four thousand or forty thousand horses with all this going on?

Does God actually lay a curse?

No. He foretells what will happen if people go their own way, thereby forfeiting His Blessing and Protection.

The rebellion in Heaven, mentioned earlier, has been forgotten. Like Israel, God gets the blame for everything. “The Devil’s best trick is convincing everyone he doesn’t exist,” is a quip claimed by many people, nevertheless it is true. He is out to main and kill and destroy.

What is the source of today’s Old Testament?

Both Jews and Gentiles use the Westminster Leningrad Codex; the earliest complete copy of the Tanakh. It is a hand written copy. Whenever there are humans manually copying documents there are errors. Jewish Scribes are as human as anyone.

Here is a copy of the famous Adultery Version of the 10 Commandments.

Does this human error mean that God now says adultery is no longer frowned upon by Him? Give me a break.



Two things screech like sand drawn across glass.

1. Israel has survived to dance on the graves of everyone who has tried to eradicate them from the face of the Earth.

2. The Bible has been available to be used in the funeral of everyone who has tried to eradicate it from the face of the Earth.

Makes you think.

The forgoing evidence has not been presented to convince any reader but to allow a personal decision to be made. There is much more to know about this subject. Perhaps you’ll pay another visit, sometime. If you have seen something you like, I encourage plagiarism. So, always check everything I say first, then please re-cycle, re-brand, re-structure, re-issue, re-label, or re-gurgitate in any manner you please. No need to acknowledge me because the Holy Spirit holds the Intellectual Rights.

All Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

(We all have a plank in our eye. It’s bigger than we think.)



Brad Banardict
The Dove

I’m a chubby little guy relying entirely on God’s Grace to get to Heaven.