White coast on Black sea — Welcome to Bulgaria

2 min readDec 18, 2017


What could be more interesting than searching for an appropriate real estate property to invest in? In some way, it might be like a preparation for a new year’s eve. In fact, in both cases you wait for the same event in terms of feelings you emotions you will experience. Buying a property is like celebrating a new year, a new year of positive expectations, plans that have come true and fortune that you have enlarged.

Rain or shine, real estate stays the most lucrative asset to buy! And what is more prominent — almost across the world. Time flows and even in the majority of developing countries (no sense of mentioning developed countries) RE objects add in price.

Bulgaria is far no exception. It is a truly European country with stable economics and a lot of opportunities and prospects. Its RE market has been growing steadily since 2015 for 5–8% per annum in average. Though, in capital — Sofia, it can reach 10–15%, due to fairly lucky year 2017, with prices around €1000 per sq.m. Deals on coast occupy 76%, while 24% goes to deals in mountain areas. Evidently, in summer, real estate object on the coast are in high demand and at the same time, they remain highly available with prices around €438 per sq.m.

The economy is stable, employment is high, people get higher incomes and can safely think of both buying their own housing and investing in real estate. Hence, the rental market of apartments is also thriving and can provide good incomes. In university centers, there is also a noticeable demand for renting apartments from foreign students. There is also an increase in the number of foreign citizens arriving in Bulgaria for permanent work or for temporary projects. All these facts have positive impact on Bulgaria real estate market. In addition, these trends are likely to still keep in 2018.

To sum it up, I’d like to say that investing in Bulgaria real estate can turn into a profitable venture. Even if you are a thousand mile away, METRUMCOIN will help you to bring it to effect. All the more, METRUMCOIN has opened official representation in Sofia, Bulgaria.





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