How many words have I published?

1 min readNov 21, 2017


The other day I was thinking about…how many words have I published this year?

There are not really any tools / services that calculate how many words I write. I checked! Medium does not even provide analytics like that in their API.

So I figured I’d do something simple math to provide an estimate…

On my daily blog, I publish once per day, every day. That is between 200–1000 words every day. Let’s call it 300 to be on the conservative side.

300 x 365 = 110,000.

There is roughly 550 words on a single spaced page. So it’d be about 200 pages.


I actually write far more than that. You see, I also run a content business where I write between 800–1200 word articles every day. I write roughly two articles a day there.

doing that math…

800*365*2 = 584,000 + 110,000 = 694,000

This is about 1200 pages. Enough for a trilogy!

Of course, it is much harder to write a coherent book…

But imagine writing a trilogy or two each and every year (this is my second year now).

How far would that get you?

Originally published at

