10 Things Successful People Do Every Day

Can’t finish the year without writing a list…

Gummi Haf
3 min readDec 21, 2013

I like to study other people. It makes me think. I also love reading top 10 lists on the web. It is so inspiring to hear that top entrepreneurs “focus on the things that matter” as opposed to… well, doing the stuff that doesn’t matter (which is what I’ve apparently been doing all along, duh!) so I figured I should write one myself. You know, share my wisdom.

This one, however, is different. It is based on research and not just some bullshit that I made up to sound smart. This is the real stuff. I looked at what successful people such as Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, Plato, Leo Tolstoy, George W. Bush, and many others did, and found some amazing commonality among them all.

This, my friend, is the one list to rule them all.

  1. Wake up in the morning. It’s amazing how many successful people wake up in the morning. Well, not all of them do it in the morning, but pretty much every person I studied wakes up sometime during the day. Pretty amazing.
  2. Eat food. This was the big surprise finding. Turns out, most successful people eat food sometime during the day. Some eat a lot, some a little, but the key take away is that if you eat food, you might become successful.
  3. Sleep a lot… or a little. Although there wasn’t a clear pattern among successful people in terms of when they slept, or even how much, they all had this activity in common at some point during their day or night. Turns out that almost every single person (maybe even every single one!) on the list I studied had sleep as one of their “things to do.”
  4. Talk to other people. This one was a tough one, because it’s not entirely clear that all successful people do this, so it might not be necessary to talk to other people to become successful. But at least enough successful people do it that it seems to be somewhat of an indicator of a motivated mind.
  5. Breathe. Successful people I studied breathed a lot. They both inhaled and exhaled, and many, many times every single day. Yet another surprising finding, but the statistics don’t lie: successful people breathe!
  6. Drink liquids. Doesn’t matter what liquids you prefer; water, OJ, Bloody Mary. They all drink and they’re all successful. Learn from it.
  7. Think. This was the least obvious one, and in fact I’m not so sure this is universally true for successful people. A lot of them look and sound pretty stupid but somehow still make it to the top. Focus on the other 6 and don’t worry about this one unless you’re truly desperate.

And there you have it, my “Top 10" list of things successful people do. Thoroughly researched and based on data, not opinions. Follow these and the world is yours! Or something like that…

Happy holidays!! ☺



Gummi Haf

Product Lead for Google Assistant — xCEO, co-founder http://emu.is (acquired by Google), xApple, xSiri, xGoogle — but still OK.