Don’t Allow Shallowness to Slow Down Your Journey to the Truth

Week 11: Digging Deep

Son of man, let all my words sink deep into your own heart first. Listen to them carefully for yourself. (Ezekiel 3:10 NLT)

Once I began teaching the beginner SUP class, I noticed that I often had to remind new paddlers to always dig the face of the paddle deep into the water so that it’s completely submersed.

Not putting it fully in the water is one of the biggest mistakes beginner paddlers make, causing them to move slower through the water.

One of the biggest mistakes many new (and not so new) believers make is not taking time to dig deep into the Word on a daily basis.

Relying on a scriptural sermon for less than an hour a week on Sundays only skims the surface of what God wants to say to each of us personally, and can cause us to move slower in our spiritual walk.

Up until about eight years ago, I didn’t spend time in the Word on a daily basis.

Now, I can’t imagine a day without it. It’s as important to my day as eating breakfast or even breathing.

God has revealed so much to me in these past eight years because I have taken the time to…



Lori Bumgarner Béen, Career Coach

Helping you who feel stuck in your career get unstuck & put your purpose & passion into action. | paNASH | SUP enthusiast | basketball fan