I spent 200 Hours Studying Alex Hormozi — Here are the top lessons I took from him

Jonathan Michaelson
7 min readOct 16, 2022

Alex Hormozi together with his wife Leila, whom he’d married for business, owns a portfolio of companies which brings in over 150 million/year in revenue.

Credit goes to Alex Hormozi.

Alex began as an ambitious gym owner and has since moved on to acquisitions and making online content aimed at budding entrepreneurs. He also wrote a sales book he gives away for 99 cents and became famous for his no-nonsense straight to the point approach, starting off most his videos with the genuine statement “I have nothing to sell you…”

Alex is Pre-suasive

Key points: Alex sells people before he even presents them the offer. He also generally prioritizes his name over making a quick buck.

The charming millionaire

Watching Alex reminded me of something I’d read a while ago; in his bestselling book Pre-Suasion, Robert Cialdini points out that the context and what came before the sale matters just as much if not more than the persuasiveness of the offer itself.

With that in mind, let’s have a look at Alex’s Twitter page —



Jonathan Michaelson

A cheerful pirate exploring the seas creativity, success and human potential. I write for myself, publicly.