eosONO Presentation at EOSYS Seoul Meetup May 19, 2018

ONO Social Network
Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2018

This article has been translated from the original Chinese online media source and some images are from here: http://www.huoxing24.com/newsdetail/2018051918120819659.html

On May 19th, 2018 according to South Korea media, more than 10 EOS Block Producer candidates from around the world, such as eosONO, EOSPhere, and EOS Cannon, came to Seoul, South Korea to participate in the EOS Meetup sponsored by EOSYS, a local EOS Block Producer candidate. EosONO, a strong Block Producer candidate from China, has attracted the attention of global candidates and EOS supporters alike. With its dApp already launched, which is based on EOS, and its fast user base growth it is poised to gain even more supporters.

Korean media reported that founder and CEO of eosONO, Ke Xu, attended the Korean Summit and shared eosONO’s values and EOS value propositions with other global BP candidates such as EOS Cannon, Blockgenic, and hundreds of EOS supporters.

Ke Xu conveyed this sentiment during her presentation:

“The benefit of eosONO as an EOS Block Producer is not only to have millions of users and excellent technical expertise. EosONO can provide a massive network of users to support the growth of the EOS ecosystem, as well as for the development of EOS dApps. EosONO will provide advice, assistance, and support for the development of the dApp ecosystem within EOS. EosONO will provide bandwidth support to users worldwide after its successful launch.”

It is reported that ONO, the world’s largest free and decentralized social network, has successfully entered the first phase of its dApp launch in China and officially announced its EOS Block Producer candidacy on March 26 of this year. Just recently the founder and CEO of ONO, Ke Xu collaborated with INBlockchain, and Li Xiaolai and successfully launched the EOS test network EOS.host.

Here’s a video of the entire eosONO presentation by Ke Xu, founder and CEO of ONO, and Bashir Modanov, Head of Marketing, at the EOSYS Seoul Meetup:

[video taken from EOSYS Seoul Meetup, here’s the entire Livestream: https://youtu.be/KTlWRMS8FOM]

As of May 18, in addition to eosONO, there are currently 24 other global BP candidates such as EOSLaoMao, OracleChain, etc. After joining the testnet, it can be seen that the team is powerful and Ke Xu herself has a very good reputation in EOS BP circles. After eosONO and INBlockchain collaborated and built the test network, people within the community have an optimistic view of the eosONO EOS Block Producer candidacy.

YouTube still image

As the first free, decentralized social networking dApp to be built on EOS, ONO has become a promising venture into the web 3.0 social media world. ONO has already attracted millions of fans from China, the United States, Britain, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Nigeria, Pakistan and many other countries. ONO is committed to re-imagining the value of attention and is dedicated to creating an environment of freedom, equality, social co-governance and diversity. ONO provides a decentralized social platform for young people around the world where deep social relationships can form and people are back in control of their own data.

ONO dApp

It is reported that the ONO International Edition will be launched in early June 2018. At that time, ONO will open up to the rest of the world and truly implement the idea of “Let’s Bring the World Together.”

Translated from the Chinese source: http://www.huoxing24.com/newsdetail/2018051918120819659.html

Official website: https://www.ono.chat
Telegram English



ONO Social Network

ONO is a free, decentralized social network based on EOS.IO for the next generation. Join ONO: https://www.ono.chat/en/ #yourdata