Awesome-LaTeX-drawing: A Collection of Academic Drawing Examples using LaTeX

Xinyu Chen (陈新宇)
6 min readFeb 15, 2022

LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system, and it is available as a free software. In recent years, it is very popular for creating and drawing academic graphics by using LaTeX. This is because that LaTeX is able to draw many complicated graphics containing special symbols and math equations. It is really a great attempt for using LaTeX to draw certain graphics in your research.This post will introduce some graphics that created by using LaTeX. It would be easy to follow the examples with a popular online LaTeX system — Overleaf. If you are interested, welcome to use Overleaf and reproduce our examples. The Overleaf is available at, please feel free to try it.

Drawing Bayesian Networks

LaTeX provides some powerful domain-specific packages and tools like tikz to enable flexible graphical models. Bayesian networks represent a family of graphical models consisting of variables (usually denoted by nodes) and dependency relationships (usually denoted by arrows). Fortunately, tikz has a specific library for drawing Bayesian networks and directed factor graphs.

Example I: Bayesian Tensor Factorization



Xinyu Chen (陈新宇)

PhD at University of Montreal. My interests are Machine Learning, Spatiotemporal Data Modeling & Intelligent Transportation.