Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2018


We’ll be sharing our news and updates every other Tuesday so stay tuned! This is what we’ve been up to the past two weeks.

[Community Updates]

1) MediBloc at Kosin University (June 22)

Dr. Eunsol Lee, CEO and co-founder of MediBloc, gave a keynote speech at “The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Medical Industry” at Kosin University. Experts from various industries including the medicine, healthcare, data science attended the seminar to discuss how the fourth industrial revolution would roll out, how to manage one’s daily habits based on data, how to provide better care using AI, and how to utilize PHR big data.

2) MediBloc at 2018 Jeju Forum (June 28)

Dr. Allen Kho, CEO and co-founder of MediBloc, gave a keynote speech at 2018 Jeju Forum hosted by the Korea Economic Magazine. Dr. Kho was one of the two speakers for ‘The Future of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency’ session and spoke about the technology itself, utilization, and the future.

3) MediBloc at Medical Curator Seminar (June 30)

Dr. Kho was invited to give a keynote speech at Medical Curator seminar hosted by Business Strategy Research IBA forum at Kwansei Gakuin University. Fujimoto Mai, one of the advisors at MediBloc and widely known as Miss Bitcoin, opened the event with a brief ‘Blockchain 101’ lecture and Dr. Kho continued the event by explaining how the blockchain technology works, problems of existing EMR system that MediBloc aims to solve, and token economy.

[MediBloc in the Media]

1) Blockchain boom spreading across mobile, healthcare, logistics, finance by Newsworks
*Link: http://www.newsworks.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=194884

2) Paradigm shift in the medicine by MediGate News
*Link: http://www.medigatenews.com/news/2708895223

3) Medicine revolution 4.0 at Koshin Hospital by Gukje News
*Link: http://www.gukjenews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=946956

Thank you for your continued support and we’ll be back in two weeks!

👉🏻MediBloc Official Website: https://medibloc.org
👉🏻MediBloc Official Telegram (ENG): https://t.me/mediblocannouncement

MediBloc is a team of medical professionals, data architects and blockchain experts. Both founders are computer scientists, but prior to establishing the team, they had worked in medical industry as certified physician and dental surgeon. As a team, MediBloc aims to tackle the problems entrenched in PHR market and return the ownership of personal health information to individual patients using blockchain technology.

