Q1.2019 — Mid Quarter Update

Tony Tran
4 min readFeb 25, 2019


Kính chào. It’s been a while since our last public update.

Thus far, the presiding theme for this quarter has been Learning & Evolving. Since the project’s inception to our first beta cycle, we’ve been highly confident that our Time-Space navigation pattern will bridge the massive gap across digital markets from Social Networking, to Mobile, to Search, and ultimately, Commerce.

The global movements of the tech market over the last 4 months further validates our vision with the largest of companies showing signs of significant decompression. These factors are symptomatic of an imminent paradigm shift in high technology and social capital. We are truly seeing the end of an era.

The Hooked Model of Nir Eyal

The problem is, we’ve recursively failed to resolve a key stronghold in the hooked-model, without which we would be unable to attract and retain users. This alone has been enough to stymie our otherwise upward trajectory. Until very recently, we’ve been unable to answer this simple question: “What are users here (on Alfa) to do?” We know that we can’t differentiate on features and compete on benefits — there just isn’t enough capital to go headstrong against the big guys and nobody wants another me-too offering.

Therein, the first lesson of startup: “When you stop believing in your own BS, that’s when the magic happens.” We woke up to the realization that all we had was a single cool factor — time travel. That’s hardly enough to go global.

The answer as it turns out, was right in front of us — it’s Stories. First introduced by Snapchat, Stories is now the breakaway feature across all social network and messaging apps, beating out even its progenitor.

We realized furthermore that it’s not just Stories as the others have done it to date, but that we’re actually ahead of the game. We have a truly unique take on Stories. We’ve always pitched that Stories, absent of temporal context, is destroying the fabric of social norms. Although it has always been the mainstay of our platform, our execution of Stories has been fairly abstruse. That’s why for the past two weeks, we’ve shifted all our efforts to synthesize the ultimate Stories engine, and delivering it with a highly familiar feel to lift our vision to prominence. The final will be self-explanatory, differentiated, and absolutely game-changing.

Thus our answer to “What are users here to do?, is our new product slogan. They’re on Alfa to: Tell Stories That Lasts. We can’t wait to share with you what an evolution of Stories will look like. It’ll be something no other social networks will be able to catch up with.

Silicon Valley was built on the understanding that technological progress is manifested in decade-long waves. With 2020 as the starting point of a new cycle, Summer of 2019 is the best time to go to market. Our timing couldn’t be more prescient and with our solution having reached maturity, Alfa-Enzo is effectively poised to capture the next decades of value creation.

Over the past 3 quarters, we’ve experimented across numerous fronts and successfully disrupted ourselves, so that we could out-innovate ourselves. This is not only telling of the talent of our team, but also the validity of our vision. While we won’t give away too many vectors, the following team allocations will provide some clues of our headings.

As we elevate our product scope at breakneck velocity, the company will go to Apple-level secrecy. We’ll operate on a need-to-know basis moving forward, with 2 public updates per quarter and fewer side-conversations. That given, expect some level of silence to fall across our communication channels, but this is the calm before the storm. We’re not here to make noise, we’re heads down to make progress. Our hard work will speak for itself in the coming months.


  1. Fully rebranded and redesigned app to be introduced in April
  2. International Patents refresh and Country-Specific Patents approved (US, Korea, China, Vietnam, Europe, and India)
  3. New Patents being filed from our new division
  4. Incredible new features to make Stories on Alfa the number one go to place.

Current Teams:

  1. CVI Labs — Alfa Desktop/Web
  2. MD Team — Android and iOS
  3. AVID Team — Alfa Operating System (aOS)
  4. PCS Labs — Hardware (yes, hardware)
  5. Legal

Expected Timelines:

  1. Market Release end of Q1 — April 2019
  2. Global Release in Q2 — May 2019
  3. Enzo-activated app to release July 2019

Stay tuned for our ICO updates as well as a product deep dive in the coming weeks. As always, keep the faith and face forward.



Tony Tran

Founder and Chief Architect @AEF. I ship useful products that people love.