5 of The Best Things You Can Do Before Going to Bed

What you regularly do before bed can mold your whole life

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2021


A couple with their dog sitting by the fireplace during a snowy late evening

A night’s sleep determines the next morning. The morning breaks or makes the entire day. And what is life if not a long series of days?

So, what you regularly do before bed can literally shape your entire life. But how do most of us go to bed?

Mindlessly scrolling through our social feeds after long hours of brain-draining and eye-straining work on the weekdays. And either dead-drunk or post a binge watch on the weekends.

You can easily do better. You don’t even need a full-blown picture-perfect night routine — optimizing the one or two things you do pre-bed is enough.

Here are 5 amazing options to choose from.

Nightly Ablutions

After some r/askMen and r/SkincareAddiction snooping and self-experimentation, I’ve arrived at a simple routine. Feel free to steal it from me:

  • Brushing my teeth. Well, we’ve been hearing “Brush your teeth twice a day” all our lives. No better time to start. Your oral health will profusely thank you.
  • Washing my face. Going to bed with residues such as dirt, dead skin cells, bacteria, and sebum on your face can cause…



Neeramitra Reddy

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