Your Obsession With the “Perfect Body” Is Just an Excuse to Be Pitiful

Obsession can make you do crazy things.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Are you happy when you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you wish you had a better body? If you were given a chance to switch bodies with someone whose body will you choose?

Humans are shallow creatures, the first thing you will notice about someone is their physical appearance. Height, weight, and color are some of the prime factors on which people judge you.

Your perception of the perfect body is based on another person, whom you admire physically. And this person may look up to someone else for that perfect body.

Competition Is Not A Good Reason To Lose Weight

When you compare your body with the ideal body, you create unnecessary mental pressure.

Everyone is insecure about their looks and body. It is no secret. But what you don’t consider is that you are comparing your body with someone who has different genes, metabolism, and heredity.

They may be blessed with a faster metabolism or a leaner body type. So when you compare yourself with someone who is leaner, remember that your body is different than theirs.

Crossing The Line In Competition…



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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