How to create (and sell) an app in five steps

Carlotta Tatti
2 min readJan 18, 2014


1. Have a good idea

Is it possible to learn to program without having a PhD in computer science? I think yes and in this article I will tell how.

First of all, I must say that a good app is born from a good idea, a thing every day more difficult to obtain with more than of a million of competitors.

In 2008, when the App Store was opened, a new industry, the App Economy, was born. If an app is useful, is intuitive and has an enjoyable graphic almost surely it will obtain the desired success.

2. Enroll in the Apple Developer Program

How do you start? To publish an app, first of all, it is necessary to enroll in the Apple Developer Program. The price is $99/year. To complete the enrollment it is necessary to send a copy of your authenticated ID to Apple.

On every sold copy Apple, keep the 30% of the revenue.

3. Create the app

To create the apps Apple gives you an IDE called Xcode, that will give you all the stuff needed, including Interface Builder to “draw” interfaces and iOS Simulator to test the apps. The language is Objective-C.

4. Test the app

I suggest to always test the apps on a real device, since some features (camera, gyroscope) are not “simulable” from computer.

5. Wait for the approval

When the creation app is finished, it is necessary sending it to Apple for the review. The App Review Guidelines advise against sending apps created in half day of work or “inutilies”.

Normally within a week you will know the outcome of the review, but the wait could be more much longer. If approved, after a few hours l’app is on the App Store. In case of a rejection, in the received email, there will be the reason. You will be able to send a corrected version and receive a new review.

If you liked this article, don’t forget to recommend it!

My last app is: “Veu: a pocket city guide that costs less than a coffee.”

You can get it here :-)




Carlotta Tatti

22 years-old iOS Developer. Developer of @SnapaliciousApp and @VeuApp