Safecast Tilemap —data visualization platform

Realtime visualization of radiation level sensors

Marc Rollin
Marc Rollin‘s work portfolio


Safecast was founded in the immediate aftermath of the 3/11 Fukushima nuclear disaster as an international non-profit organization. Our goal is to empower citizens with useful, accessible and independent data about their environment.

Today, we maintain the largest open dataset of background radiation measurements ever collected — over 57 million readings to date (as of November 2016) and growing daily. All of the data collected by our volunteers is available through an open, free an open-sourced public platform of all submitted radiation readings.

We also provide access to a map enabling a clear data visualization available on browser, desktop and smartphone. As it is the case for all Safecast projects and in respect to our licencing guidelines, the source code for open-sourced on Github.

Mission: We needed a swift way to display Safecast’s Pointcast realtime sensors on the tilemap. For this purpose we created a simple Wordpress based platform which pulls these measurements from the API, enables monitoring and enriching of the metadatas and generates a feed consumed by the tilemap.

Role and responsibilities: Coding and maintenance.

Stack: Javascript, Wordpress, GitHub, Slack.

Year: Since 2014

If you are interested in learning more about Safecast, feel free to read the other case-study which explains with more details how we successfully deployed our sensor network, some problems that we faced and what are now aiming for.



Marc Rollin
Marc Rollin‘s work portfolio

Creative stuff @zenlyapp / @snap, science stuff @safecast. Remaining time spent bouldering in Fontainebleau.