SVPER Advisor: Sean Brizendine

3 min readJul 20, 2018

Sean has over 7+ years of experience researching bitcoin and blockchain technology. He was rated 5+ POD (Proof of Developer) by CryptoAsian in 2014 and is a Certified IIB Council Blockchain Professional and ICO Bench Expert. He has been involved in over 30 Blockchain Related Projects and Advised the most successful Token Sales in Blockchain history including the TraDove $52 Million ICO.

In 2011, Sean began Researching Bitcoin and its Blockchain. He operated an early Bitcoin blog that focused on Mining as a hobby and for profit. Helped Netcoin reach an historic $6M Market Cap in its first 100 days after launch in the Fall 2013 bringing in an Emmy Award Winning Artist to illustrate the famous Netcoin Logo. He assisted many others in launching their own cryptoCurrency Blockchains and was rated 5+ proof of developer on CryptoAsian, as well as receiving BSA-e approval from US Treasury FinCEN 2014 (now expired).

Sean also volunteered at a popular CryptoCurrency forum as a moderator and secured solid relationships with early adopters and famous developers. A former ‘Biz Dev’ at The Vanbex Group which at the time was the largest Blockchain development company in the world. He helped advise the successful $800k tokenized Crowdfund on Bittrex with MMA Hall of Famers Stephan Bonnar and Phil Baroni which lead to the opening of LegendsRoom in Las Vegas.

With the experience of assisting in over 30 Blockchain Related Projects. IIB Council/EEC Council Certified Blockchain Professional and ICO Bench Expert Advising some of the Top Token Sales in Blockchain History including TraDove $52 Million ICO in early 2018. The Core Team at SVPER believes that bringing Sean Brizendine onto the Project as an Advisor was an appropriate choice.

“SVPER is not just another new dating site. SVPER is a revolutionary new social concept platform on the Blockchain which allows for a more comfortable and safe way to meet new people in your area or any geographical area you choose without the burden or stress of a date.”

“I believe SVPER will be what Tinder, Facebook and Twitter is not and what Snapchat never will be. This is due to the brilliance of two people I call my friends and who are both extremely successful Serial Entrepreneurs in Technology and digital innovations Jean-Baptiste Fort and René Carrillo and the highly experienced SVPER Core Blockchain Team.

This is why I as a Blockchain Technology Industry Veteran of over 7 years, ICO Bench Expert and IIB Council Certified Blockchain Professional that has worked on the Top Blockchain Projects in the World over the years have joined the SVPER Project as an Advisor and rolled up my sleeves to do what is within my power to move this great project forward!!”




The SVPER App imitates the real-world process of meeting new people more accurately than ever before and rewards its members through a tokenized economy.