BCDiploma revolutionizes the proprietary out-of-date standards

Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2018

What contribution can the blockchain bring to the world of education?

The reliability and the tamperproof aspect of the data stored in the blockchain are guaranties required by institutions which are looking for security and authenticity of awarded degrees, diplomas and certificates.

Are schools willing to pay for a blockchain-based diploma certification service?

The diploma’s certification issue is in the mind of each IT Director of these institutions. Diplomas falsification, race for digital innovation, rise of job boards: in this context, universities and educational establishments will be extremely attentive to the emergence of a simple, reliable, open source and competitive solution.

Why is BCDiploma an innovating solution, different from the current blockchain certification solutions?

Blockchain actors usually work with document “hash”. The solutions they offer do not meet all the requirements of schools: simplicity of implementation, ease of use, regulation and certification of the issuer. BCDiploma answers these needs with a new approach: storing data directly on the blockchain while guaranteeing the authenticity of the issuer certificate. Moreover this solution allows institutions to be compliant with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), specially with the “right to erasure” (right to be forgotten), a new obligation that will have huge impacts on all competitive products.

By offering an open-source data certification solution, BCDiploma revolutionizes the proprietary out-of-date standards with an innovative approach based on the blockchain technology, and thus a guarantee of sustainability. BCDiploma is primarily a team of experts dedicated to schools and other institutions in charge of higher education, who brings the tomorrow unique turnkey solution for certifying degrees, diplomas and certificates.

Louis-Marie Wattebled

Louis-Marie Wattebled

CTO at Fair-eZone, a Fintech for Financial Inclusion

Active user of blockchain technologies since 2014

20 years of experience in Research & Development (5 years as software engineer and 15 years as international IT project manager) for supporting academic projects at ESCP Europe, one of the most prestigious European Business Schools

Why Fair-eZone chose to use blockchain technology?

The objective of Fair-eZone is to make international money transfers as affordable as possible. Blockchain technology can discard intermediaries, structure costs, while ensuring the reliability and the traceability of transactions. Fair-eZone brings the advantages of the blockchain to all.

Visit BCdiploma | Blockchain Digital Credential website: https://www.bcdiploma.com
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