Where to get energy

2 min readJul 6, 2017


So much of the decision making in our lives is dependent on one critical thing: the amount of energy we have.

At our core, us humans do things that optimize for how we feel. We do things, generally, that make us feel good. We are positively reinforced by completing tasks that satiate ourselves. But we can only do those things until we run out of energy. Much like a machine, we are limited by how much fuel we have in us.

So how do we get more energy?

The obvious answer is sleep. Sleep is super important.

But we know that a) our time is precious and b) even with a good night’s sleep, we can still be tired.

How do we keep momentum, stay awake, so that we have time to do things that make us feel good?

The first thing I think about is finding things in your day that give you energy. Is it eating? Is it talking to people? Is it being alone?

What are the triggers that pump energy into your system?

The second thing is to put those triggers near the beginning of your day.

I start every single morning with a blog post. This is by no mistake.

Writing is something I get excited for. It makes me feel good. I wake up excited because I know that the first thing I get to do is write. It stimulates my brain very early.

Hitting publish gives me energy. Finding things like that that are essentially “energy boosts” are really powerful levers you can use to do more throughout your day.

Originally published at gonen.blog.

