Publica Updates — January 14
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2019

Welcome to our first 2019 update!

As always it is good to see you all and we are excited for yet another year full of excitement and developments. Here are some things to get you up to date with the first two weeks.

FIAT layer progress

The largest upcoming update for the platform is set to be the FIAT layer. We've talked about it in detail at the end of the previous year in the AMA session and as stated — the FIAT layer is in the final stages and is very close to release.

We've been working on testing the FIAT layer and ensuring that it has the fundamentals down right and that transactions are successful. And we are pleased to say that we are mostly there.

With the tests pretty much done we plan to release the FIAT layer within the next few weeks. So stay tuned as we will update you with more details as soon as we can.

NewEconomies talk about Book ICOs

Starting off the year our Author Advisor, Sukhi Jutla, contributed an article to NewEconomies about Book ICOs, how to use them and the advantages to authors.

Give it a read and share it with authors you know who might benefit from running a Book ICO!

Interview on the Crypto News Podcast

Our Author Advisor has now almost become a regular on The Crpyto News Podcast hosted by Paul Teague and Alison Ingleby.

This time around Sukhi talks about the past year in crypto and about her predictions for 2019.

A great interview as always, check it out:

Books galore!

More and more books are getting added to Publica's catalog and we want you to keep checking the shop as you will be seeing more and more books as time goes by.

And don't forget to tell about it to your friends!

Thanks for reading and let's have a great and productive 2019! is the first publishing platform to use blockchain technology to innovate how books are funded, distributed, bought, and read.

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Blockchain revolution for the publishing economy.