Checklist when you go for Sharing Offices

This checklist is based on my personal experience.

2 min readFeb 17, 2014

Recently, we moved into a new office. We are sharing the workspace with another firm. The new space looked good initially, green and all. But after few days i realised this new space is decreasing the overall efficiency of the whole team. I am listing down the checklist which at least i will be following whenever looking for a new space.

  1. Avoid Companies whose main work is calling other people: These companies include Market research firms, call centres etc. Do check before confirming the frequency of calling they do. This irritates the whole team. Makes your team to listen to high volume music on headphones more while working (damaging their ears as well :P)
  2. Make sure Caffeine available is good!: Coffee is generally available, but if its not good, the team members would be cribbing a lot about it.
  3. It should not be near Cross Roads and Highways: The noise of vehicles passing, adds to the already loud people inside the office. Make sure you choose a place which is secluded a bit. You are not hearing background noise much.
  4. Good furniture for your team: Before confirming, make your team sit on the table and chair for at least an hour. Your team would be spending most of their time with these things. Make sure they are comfortable. If seats are not good, the efficiency decreases manifold.
  5. Availability of WhiteBoards: Make sure you have whiteboards available for you. Meetings and discussions becomes good if you have them.

I will try and add few more items in it. Let me know your thoughts and add to the list.

