Your Data Is Not That Important After All

Ravn The Invisible Chat App
2 min readApr 24, 2018


Privacy + Ravn

With Facebook’s most recent scandal of privacy invasion in the form of data being obtained by Cambridge Analytica, the desire for people unknown to us to see our personal and private information is becoming more apparent and more alarming by the week. Big business continues to win at the exploiting expense of innocent citizens simply looking to stay connected and share their life with who they thought they chose to.

Now is a particularly good time for the undeniable security of blockchain technology not to be overlooked. Just as the engine replaced the slow and taxing physical efforts of animal and man-power, blockchain is effectively filling in where we have a need to fully protect ourselves in our cyber endeavors.

But where do you find the most secure platform to share messages, images, documents and even business transactions using blockchain? Ravn.

Ravn is the world’s first invisible and private messaging app that protects your penetralia. You can still have your fun on Facebook if you feel comfortable with it, but in the spirit of taking your own personal information seriously, imagine an invisible messaging application that uses blockchain in order to keep your messages protected from every angle…

Ravn is that supremely private messaging app and it’s powered by the Stellar blockchain network. You can still send images and documents but they stay on your phone and are not held in any servers. There’s even a group chat option so you can still have social chats within groups however, no one else but your group would know what’s been discussed. No one else could access your Ravn app on your phone since it can be placed behind a decoy icon and also requires a PIN or fingerprint to open.

It is the only encrypted chat app that is invisible on your phone and to prying eyes, whether someone gains access to your phone or is looking to gain your personal information from a server. Ravn is also not tied to any phone numbers, emails or addresses and your messages are never stored on a server. Literally no one else can see your Ravn messages except you. There’s no information to be sold.

This is a handy application to have given the recent breaches of the world’s largest social media platform. Ravn was created by people who have respect and appreciation for privacy. The nature of blockchain is transparency for the sake of protection. It’s an ultimate combination.

If our data means power and money to someone, how comforting is it to know that there are some entities out there that feel successful enough without using you.

It turns out, not everyone wants to know your business.

