Win Web3 Hackathons, using BuildBear Testnet’s analytics

Pari Tomar
BuildBear Labs
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2022

A developer’s life is incomplete without participating in Hackathons. Every day, hundreds of web3-based hackathons take place to become a better developer and win an exciting prize.

I am one such developer. I have built projects in Web3 Hackathons. While trying my hand at winning these hackathons I have come across the following issues:

  1. As a beginner, it is so difficult to pick the right resources, eg. Faucet, Explorer, or Node Provider
  2. Online Faucets for testnets only provided me with either 0.5 or 0.1 ETH per request. I ended up asking my friends for the Testnet ETH. Basically, beg or borrow
  3. Deploying a simple Greeter contract consumes quite time;
  4. Keeping a track of my local network transactions becomes impossible
  5. Debugging a failed transaction is very painful

If you are in the same boat, then you and I are already friends, and so is BuildBear.

Why BuildBear, you ask? Here is the why:

  1. BuildBear provides you with all the required resources in one place.
  2. Using BuildBear you can create your own private testnet, instantly
  3. You can get your own private Faucet, which provides you with 1000 BB ETH to perform your transactions flawlessly
  4. You get your private version of Blockchain Explorer, with tracer built in. So you volia, have a look at whatever happened in your smart contracts
  5. Takes much less time to perform transactions than testnets
  6. Allows you to keep a track of all your transactions and contracts

Now, the deep dive into our problem and why BuildBear:

Even if you’ve just started with Blockchain technology, you would have come across the following:

  1. Whenever we deploy a contract on Public Testnets, even if it’s a simple Greeter contract, it takes around 3 mins to deploy your contract.
  2. You are looking for the basic native tokens from faucets, some working, some not, some asking for tweets, some asking for god knows what
  3. If your contracts interact with other smart contracts already deployed on the mainnet (composability), then your case is possibly Dead on Arrival, best of luck on creating the mock tokens and mock environments

Now imagine how distressing it would be to create a whole project based on it.

All these problems can make your Hackathon project a total mess!

How BuildBear can help you win your Hackathon?

BuildBear is a 3-in-1 platform that will allow the users to increase their project’s efficiency and can help them win their dream Hackathon!

  1. a dashboard providing you with an option to customise-able nodes,
  2. a blockchain explorer for you to view all your transactions, interact with contracts through the explorer and
  3. a faucet to perform as many transactions as you want without worrying about the balance in your wallet and help you perform as many transactions as the user demands.

The Pro Tips!!!

  1. BuildBear Explorer can trace whatever happened in your transaction and tell you exactly the smart contract functions called, the parameters passed and gas consumed :)
  2. If you are forking from a public chain, all contracts that are verified in the public chain, are also verified in the BuildBear Explorer and thus, interacting with them is as easy as anything

Basic use cases of BuildBear

  • First of all, BuildBear provides an excellent blockchain explorer for your transactions and contracts that will help the developers to keep a track of transactions and their information.

You can try testing it out here.

  • Secondly, BuildBear provides a Faucet that’ll give you 1000 BB ETH; all at once to do as many transactions a user demands.

In order to build a project for your Hackathon, you’ll have to test your project a thousand times; therefore BuildBear solves your problem completely.

  • Debugging your failed transactions becomes much easier with the help of BuildBear.

BuildBear provides an advance option that can help you trace your failed transactions thus, getting into the grip of where exactly did your transaction fail; you can then analyse the functions and the parameters passed and do your own analysis

  • Lastly, BuildBear also lets you create your own node, providing you with various options like Forking Options, EVM Options and Hardhat Options.

And provides you with a unique RPC URL to use in your Hackathon project easily.

BuildBear has been created for all Web3 developers whether you’re a beginner or a senior web3 developer. It increases the efficiency of your web3 project and makes it unique!

If you are interested to know more about BuildBear, here is our article on introducing you to Buildbear. We would love for you to have a look at the introduction and for you to host your project on BuildBear to win your hackathons and clients.

If you have created any project using any testnet or local network, we would really encourage you to use BuildBear and tag us on @_BuildBear to share your project with us. If you need our help, please give us a shoutout on Twitter or LinkedIn

If you think, we are doing something cool, please feel free to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn and if possible, drop us a note of appreciation. ⭐



Pari Tomar
BuildBear Labs

Researches, talks, shares know-how on building a career in blockchain space