How to Handle a Bad Manager

When quitting is not an option — yet

Vicky Yu
The Post-Grad Survival Guide



Do you have a great manager? One that appreciates you and encourages you at work? If you answered yes — congratulations, you can stop reading. For the rest of us navigating corporate life, I want to share my advice on how to deal with bad managers when quitting is not an immediate option.

1. Passive Manager

Passive managers don’t want to rock the boat at work. They don’t know how to deal with conflict and will avoid dealing with an issue indefinitely. It will not occur to them to give you a promotion. They will not set goals, provide feedback, or give any encouragement. They will do little to help you grow in your role.

How to deal with passive managers:

  • Learn how to manage yourself. What does this entail? Find out the goals of the company and how your department contributes to those goals. This can be getting more customers, increasing revenue, or improving conversion rates. Be proactive and suggest new projects you can work on that will contribute to those goals. Better yet, ask to be assigned to a high visibility project you know senior management has their eye on.
  • Be proactive and ask for what you want. If you want to take a class to improve a skill then ask. If you want a promotion, ask your…



Vicky Yu
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Musings of a data scientist turned data analyst. Sharing my data experiences one story at a time.