Once again, I am free to speak my mind.

Social Networks are getting scary- Part II

bimal maharjan
2 min readDec 19, 2013

I loved using social networks until I got scared of it. I tweeted/shared everything. From what I am reading to which political party I support. One day, it struck to my mind that each tweet/post is a dot and if you connect all the dots then important pattern about me could be revealed. If somebody/organization/government analyzes all my tweets/post, then he/she/it could easily tell who I am, what I do, what I think, and certainly a stronger algorithm could also accurately predict what sort of the person I am and even predict my future. These possibilities are serious breach in my privacy. It led me be really careful to share my opinion in the social networks because repercussions could be terrible. Now I use social networks only for marketing purpose and sharing trivial things such as what I am eating, which place I am in etc. Therefore, I feel social networks lost their power to give people to be who they naturally are.

But, I do want to share my opinions. I do want to disagree with the governments and I do want to endorse good opinions. I want to be free. I don’t think any of the social networks allow me to be free without having to worry about the consequences. The biggest threat of all is that the government tapping on everything I say. Perhaps, it must be only me who is so concerned about people or organizations peeping and analyzing my digital history.

I believe freedom should be fearless. I believe broadcasting should be without consequences. I believe everybody should live in the moment without worrying about the past or the future.

There is a powerful platform to continue to enjoy freedom of speech. It is bablrr.com. It is in private alpha stage. It is more powerful than the current social networks. It does not leave any digital trail of what you say. It respects your privacy as it deletes all your posts after their purpose is served so that nobody can access your personal data.

Bablrr gives you a choice to be anonymous, it gives you a choice to be free to live in the moment, and the most importantly, it gives you a choice to be who you are.

Join http://www.bablrr.com/ and choose your freedom to be who you are.

Follow me in bablrr.com @bimal



bimal maharjan

a product manager, a start entrepreneur, and an ex-software engineer