December is my mom’s favorite month

The Manifest and the Final Destination, a Journey Worth Coming Prepared

Are you ready?

I, Napoleon B.
Lovingly Yours
Published in
4 min readNov 29, 2022


The Manifest and the Final Destination, a Journey Worth Coming Prepared
Photo by nappy:

I have always been fascinated by death. From fearing it, to looking forward to the day I can be with mom again. But nobody knows when Death would come and take us to the afterlife.

And while, today, I still feel I have very little left to do in this world, to second guess the date of my death is nothing but a waste of time.

As we breathe, we live.

Today, I jokingly told my partner what to write on my epitaph,

that I died from ‘dissatisfaction’ and ‘secondhand smoke’;

and he retorted if I wanted it written in Latin. The joke sounded better in Filipino my native language.

Leave Well


Friday afternoon thoughts…

Prepare for your final journey long before you make it to the boarding gates. Quite possibly, have those discussions while you are at the check-in counter, or even earlier. Pre-departure might be a bit too late to make the necessary…



I, Napoleon B.
Lovingly Yours

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: