Do You Mistakenly Make Moods Matter?

How to leave moods alone

Elaine Hilides


Do you need a ring to know your mood? Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This article does not refer to extreme mood swings related to bipolar. If you suffer from bipolar, please seek medical professional help.

I felt a bit angsty and a little anxious the other morning when I woke up.

Years ago, I would have wondered why this was; I would have hung out with the mood to try and track down why I felt like this. I would have curdled my coffee with my thoughts, and the shower would have rained tacks.

But now, if I start to wonder why I have this feeling, I say, “Who cares?” and think about my day. Strangely enough, when I do that, the feeling changes.

I’m not going to pretend that I sing show tunes all day; I go up and down at times.

Because, like you, I’m human, and we humans get mood swings.

But the wonderful thing is that moods don’t matter.

Moods Don’t Matter

What is a mood? It’s a feeling, isn’t it? An emotion.

You call almost every feeling or emotion a mood. You have good moods, bad moods, angry moods, loving moods, high moods, low moods and more, but what causes these moods?



Elaine Hilides

I can help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Author, and International speaker, lives by the sea.