Your writing is crucial

How frequent writing furthers research and success

Cat Noone
3 min readMar 24, 2014

For ages, doctors, scientists, professors and many others have all published work surrounding their thoughts, experiences and just plain theories. Numerous times throughout history, these writings and theories have been the catalyst for new discoveries. Sometimes they’ve simply been the driving force for bringing like-minded individuals together.

The human brain does something very interesting when it writes. It creates spatial tasks for the information we jot down. While we do this, it creates order and structure to the input received, which makes the writing itself more clear and formulated, and tells our memory the important parts to remember. Because of that process, we’re able to recall the information at a later time.

Writing is a playground

After understanding what happens in our brain while we write (or blog), it’s easy to see how it becomes the way we affirm our thoughts. More importantly, it is the way we share our thoughts, allowing others to prove or disprove them. We spend countless hours every day working on projects surrounding these thoughts, theories and findings. We discover, test, (often) fail and start all over — and when you think about it, the contribution of your failure, more than anything, is what makes the biggest difference.

“Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.”

Practice makes perfect

I’ve heard a number of reasons (excuses) as to why people do not write and it’s based solely on fear of rejection. Some are insecure because of language barriers, others are not very confident in their writing skills, and others simply want their hard work seen for what it is— it’s understandable and I too can relate.

The one thing that still holds true in both the work you’d write about, along with the writing itself, is that practice makes perfect.

“Because writing, by its nature, forces students to articulate ideas and reasoning, it can help them deepen, develop, and revise their thinking about the subject material.” — MIT Writing

Over the course of time, you’ll notice your personal growth and ability to problem solve much more efficiently will increase, as well.

Writing builds a network

I think most would be surprised to see how intertwined multiple professions, and the findings within them really are. Technology, medicine, science and many others, in recent years, have overlapped in a multitude of ways. With unlimited resources and people capitalizing on the use of social networks, sharing your work creates a domino effect toward the individuals you’ll meet and potentially connect with.

The failure is important

As children, we willingly failed. As kids, we weren’t afraid to make mistakes, to fall, then get back up and continue playing. What we didn’t know couldn’t hurt us, and the invincibility allowed us to explore new worlds and ideas. We hesitated, but questioned whether or not to touch the stove, solely out of curiosity. On the offset that we’d be burned, we’d learn from it. So why has that changed? Why have we become terrified of being wrong?

As an individual in your given field and a human being on this earth, your contribution with and for others is more important than anything. You will make mistakes and as always, you will learn from them, but you never will if you never try. So, if you’re second guessing yourself on whether or not you should be sharing everything you can possibly think of, think again.

While it’s important to share your knowledge, thoughts and theories, it’s just as important to have a happy medium in doing so. Much like children, we learn through exploring and playing and if we never do, there’s not much to share with others.

How often are you writing and does it help later down the line? Let’s chat about it? Reach out on Twitter (@imcatnoone)!



Cat Noone

CEO @irisapp • Designer • Lover of S’mores. Advisor. Always talking shop @imcatnoone.