Copyright issue

2 min readJun 19, 2018


In our time, the copyright issue is especially relevant. Copyright registration is a complex, long and expensive process. Registration of copyrights for a author work takes at least 8 months, which is very long for nowadays. In order to secure your work against third party invasion and possible losses — you have to prepare documents, pay fees and wait for a certificate of copyright registration. And after that, you will have the right to collect a fine from the person who used your author work.

And if you have a large number of author works that you want to protect and there is no staff involved in the registration of copyrights?

How to protect your author work when you do not even know how to track its use?

The urgency of the given issue is constantly growing for creative people — the number of which, according to rough estimates, is at least 1.2% of the world’s population. Moreover, ordinary people too can earn on their creative work, without even knowing about it. For example, all people take huge amounts of photos during their life, most of it does not bear any value, but there are decent photos that could be used and the use rights for which can be sold. However, due to the difficulties with the registration of copyright, they do not want to seize this opportunity.

You can find all the answers to your questions by reading our Whitepaper.


We offer a system of copyright protection on blockchain, which will allow doing this. With our platform, you will be able to verify the copyright for the author work. Blockchain allows you to keep a certificate of your copyright among all network members, and it will be impossible to replace this data. To eliminate the possibility of downloading the same author works, a neural network that will search for copies and analogues on the Internet will be developed. The platform will monitor the authors copyright use and promptly notify them in case of an unauthorized use. On the platform, you will be able to sell the use rights through our marketplace of author works On the platform, you will be able to organize a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for creating a author work

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