How My Yoga Gurus Always Stay Calm and Peaceful

5 habits for better mental health.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health



I have been doing yoga for more than five years now. I joined my yoga diploma course three years ago where I met Naveen sir for the first time.

He is a peaceful yoga guru without an ounce of extra fat on his body.

He is always ready with a smile and he never gets annoyed. It's almost impossible to make him angry. He has automated peace and calmness in his life.

He is one of the most helpful teachers I have ever had. He is always available for his students. He preaches curiosity, you can ask him as many questions as you like.

I asked him why he is always in such a good mood and this was his answer.

1. Chant this mantra daily for peace and calm.

Yoga is more than just handstands and bendy poses.

Yoga is a lifelong journey to conquer the mind. You can learn to control your senses with this miraculous exercise.

Chanting mantras can help you appease the mind. It will help you overcome anxiety and overthinking. The one manta that my guru chants daily is “Aum”.

Aum is an auspicious symbol and sound in Hinduism.

This study found…



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-