Together, The BitCanna Alliance Will Bring Blockchain To The Masses

6 min readSep 6, 2018


A purpose-built blockchain and support from industry leading figureheads means conquering worldwide markets is only a matter of time for BitCanna.

Resounding support for ambitious and revolutionary technologies is, in most cases, incredibly difficult to achieve. That is, of course, unless you can captivate the hearts and minds of your peers with a product that solves real-world restrictions and genuinely looks to move an entire industry forward.

Built On A Foundation Of Expert Knowledge

That is precisely what BitCanna is doing — launching a blockchain network aimed at conquering the global cannabis market. Built by a team of industry-leading experts, the proof-of-stake blockchain network and BitCanna coin (BCNA) face head-on the challenges holding back the entire industry. With the unanimous support of prominent and influential cannabis industry figureheads, BitCanna aims to bring the whole industry into the limelight, earning a trustworthy reputation not only from consumers and regulators but, more importantly, governmental institutions.

If you want to solve a problem, you need to have the answers — an ethos that rings true with the team at BitCanna. Led by Boy Ramsahai, his diverse team¹ demonstrates over 15 years experience in all corners of the cannabis business sector. Backed by a substantial network of contacts, it is safe to say that the entire team is well-versed in the challenges companies and merchants face on a day to day basis. Such a deeply instilled understanding enables the whole team to construct a purpose-built solution, rather than modify existing blockchain technology.

BitCanna Possesses The Power To Influence Government Institutions

Confusing or slow-moving legislative changes alongside an almost complete abandonment of support from traditional financial institutions not only hinders industry-wide growth, but causes businesses to operate in an uncertain commercial environment. That uncertainty ultimately leads to repercussions or disadvantages inflicted on the consumer. Ramsahai has assembled his team with these problems in mind, endowing BitCanna with the ability to identify which issues need tackling first. Reputation is a crucial part of why so many partners have joined the BitCanna Alliance.²

Reputable partners are essential to the BitCanna Alliance. Their support and backing for the supply chain management and identity control features give the industry a chance to influence future legislative and regulatory changes. It creates the foundation for an industry that can operate with unprecedented transparency, proving how everyone from seed producers to high street consumers can conduct business under an efficient and trusted network — the primary focus of phase three³ of BitCanna’s blockchain development.

The Alliance Is Growing Rapidly

Banking and payment institutions that do allow access to their services inflict heavy penalties for doing so. Excessive fees are applied at nearly every stage of the banking process. Combined with having to operate exclusively in cash, business owners are made to jump through many legal loopholes before they can finally reach their desired goal. BitCanna is non-committal; there is no sign-up fee, transaction fees are minimal for all parties, and all transactions on the network are instant — a unique selling point among the sea of available blockchain networks.

Each partner also possesses a vast network of consumers. The direct benefits of BitCanna adoption enable these consumers to make instant payments for cannabis-related goods from the palm of their hand. Native smartphone support and digital wallet solutions bring the functionality of cryptocurrency to mainstream audiences. Alliance members such as Zamnesia, Royal Queen Seeds, Cibdol, Mister Weeds, Magnus Light, Barney’s Farm, and many others combine to reach a customer base in excess of 10 million unique visitors every month.

The Alliance is growing rapidly.

Industry Support Is Crucial For Success

As more companies join, the impact and potential functionality of the blockchain grows in kind. The allure becomes greater for newer players in the industry to also sign-up. The distributed ledger in phase two will provide users with clear insight into the source and movement of products along the supply chain network, creating a level playing field in which all businesses can operate. A united front creates a louder voice, granting a significantly better chance of support from governmental and financial institutions. The power of this voice starts in Europe and extends to the worldwide stage.

Europe has been forecasted as one of the single biggest cannabis markets⁴ — an estimated worth of €115.7b within the next ten years is easily within reach. Alongside Europe, well-established markets also exist in America and Canada. They too, however, face the same financial challenges as their European counterparts, granting BitCanna applicable functionality in worldwide markets. With input from alliance members and widespread use of the decentralised blockchain from European cannabis consumers, it is possible to demonstrate a viable and working cryptocurrency solution that can be expanded to accommodate a multinational user base.

European Cannabis Markets Are Only the Beginning

Expansion beyond the realm of European cannabis business owners requires further infrastructure and resources. The groundwork of knowledge and experience already exists with BitCanna, something many ICOs fail to consider before gathering investment. It is not uncommon to hear about numerous failing ICOs, which unfortunately negatively impact both the reputation of the process and the pockets of investors.

Transparency and trust are not only integral to the development of the BitCanna blockchain, but to the value of the cryptocurrency itself. All parties can view full details of the development process, the team, extensive documentation of planned functionality, and the exact ratios of investment that will be undertaken after the initial coin offering. All these details and more can be found on the homepage. Invest⁵ in the future of cannabis payment solutions with a blockchain network that offers functionality, no matter the role you play within the industry.

BitCanna will provide a Decentralized Payment Network, Supply Chain and Trust Network for the legal Cannabis Industry.

Why BitCanna? We’ve summed up 10 reasons: 👇

1 Booming business
The global cannabis market is expanding at an extremely fast pace.

2 Powered by the industry
BitCanna has already established partnerships with the top brands in the industry.

3 World-famous brands
The BitCanna Alliance is active in over 27 countries and globally connected within the industry.

4 Millions of visitors
The partners have over 10 million unique visitors per month.

5 15 Years of experience
Team with over 15 years of experience in the cannabis industry.

6 Custom blockchain Live at launch
The BitCanna main net will be fully live as a payment network with wallet 1.0 at launch.

7 Proof-of-Stake
A Proof-of-Stake blockchain will be used to process all BitCanna transactions.

8 Online integration
Direct integration with the biggest online shops at the launch of the project.

9 Physical stores across europe
Integrated with physical stores in Barcelona, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, and many more to come.

10 International media partners
Supported by well-known international media partners.

📖 BitCanna whitepaper v1.01 :

Whitelisting is live! There’s still some free tokens to claim! 🔥

Maximum Sign-Ups for Private Sale: 15.000
Start Whitelisting: 01–07–2018
Runtime: Until November 1st, 2018 or 15.000 Sign-Ups

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1. BitCanna Team Members.
2. BitCanna Become a Partner.
3. BitCanna Roadmap.
4. BitCanna. Yes, There Are More Lucrative Cannabis Markets than the US and Canada and They’re Growing Super Fast.
5. BitCanna Register.




BitCanna will provide a Decentralized Payment Network, Supply Chain and Trust Network for the legal Cannabis Industry. Join us: