Meme Competition Extension -Get creative and Win 50,000 CAS!

Cashaa Team
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2019

Update! We have extended our competition until 18th July!

More time for you to get creative and spread your love for Cashaa!

We have received some great submissions so far, and now would like to give you 2 weeks more to also spread your fantastic ideas! We are sure that in these exciting times in the run-up to our CAS listing on Binance DEX, we’ll see many more contributions!

The Binance DEX listing on 18th July not only is a big step for CAS token, but also a big step for us as a company and as a community to reach an even bigger audience and bring crypto-friendly banking to the world. Let’s show our enthusiasm for what is ahead, as spread the word as much as possible!

Please find the updated guidelines below:

How to participate:

1. Create your meme/gif.

2. Save the meme/gif with your full name _cashaa ( Ex: Ana_Maria_Cashaa)

3. Follow Cashaa and Kumar’s profile on Twitter.

4. Post your meme/gif in Cashaa Telegram community, Twitter, the Binance Forum, Reddit, Facebook, and Bitcointalk.

5. Send them to with the subject “Meme competition” with your twitter handler, and link of your meme on the internet.

→ The meme/gif who gets to be the most popular in the Cashaa community Telegram channel and Twitter in the coming 2 weeks until 18 July will be the winner!


∙ Be sure to highlight the Cashaa name together with the logo, put Cashaa’s name or Cashaa hashtags where appropriate in your submissions

∙ Gifs will naturally be different concerning creation and standards compared to memes. Have a look around the internet and see what good quality memes and gifs look like, then create something amazing of your own.

∙ Participants can submit as many new quality gifs and memes on the channel.

∙ Participants can only win one prize each per contest. i.e., a person cannot win 1st and 2nd in the same competition or any combination of the placements for anyone competition). However, each participant can submit entries to both competitions and potentially win up to two prizes in total.

∙ Let your imagination run wild! No rude or explicit content. Do not send the same gif/meme several times. Thank you.

→ QUALITY and fun are the keys if you want to WIN!

The Prizes!

We have 2 categories, meme competition (SUBMISSION DEADLINE 18 July 2019):

1st place: 10,000 CAS 🥇

2nd place: 7,000 CAS 🥈

3rd place: 4,000 CAS 🥉

and gif competition (SUBMISSION DEADLINE 18 July 2019) :

1st place: 15,000 CAS 🥇

2nd place: 9,000 CAS 🥈

3rd place: 5,000 CAS 🥉

We are looking forward to the final 2 weeks of the competition with which we would like to celebrate the Binance DEX listing together with all of you!

The Cashaa Team

The Next Generation Banking Platform for The Next Billion

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Handy links:

Website | $CAS Token | Telegram | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | YouTube



Cashaa Team
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The next generation banking platform for the next billion -