How to Set and Actually Achieve Your New Year Resolutions

Let’s break the tradition of setting new year resolutions and never seeing them through.

Neeramitra Reddy
Live Your Life On Purpose
8 min readDec 29, 2020


A person standing facing the snow capped mountains and holding a pair of skiis
Photo by Oziel Gómez from Pexels

2020 is drawing to an end and what a year it has been, not the best of ones but one that we are highly unlikely to forget any time soon especially with the covid-19 pandemic ravaging the world.

The end of 2020 means the start of 2021. A fresh year, bringing fresh hope, fresh energy, and fresh aspirations. We want to make the most out of the new year, make it one of the best years of our lives, don’t we?

We make resolutions, lofty, and plenty. It feels great, fantasizing about the achievement of the resolutions, doesn’t it? But the sad part is that they remain just resolutions, never taking fruition.

“Let the first resolution of 2021 be not only making but also sticking to the resolutions.”

As the excitement of the new year wanes and we settle back into our seemingly mundane lives, the resolutions fade away too. It’s become a tradition of sorts.

Let’s break it. Let the first resolution of 2021 be not only making but also sticking to the resolutions. I want to share my thoughts on how to set and easily stick to your…

