2 min readMar 28, 2017

Hey there 😎 Nearly the end of March! How are your New Year’s Resolutions coming? Let’s get back on it. 3/27 — What’s Next

Articles to Read.

A machine-owned enterprise is one in which none of the profits go to any human, and none of the work is performed by any human. The entirety of the business is owned and operated completely autonomously. Read about the inevitability of machine owned enterprise?

A class offered by the University of Washington on calling bullshit. The goal: help students identify truth from bullshit in this age of big data.

What you can learn from digging through Stack Overflow’s massive survey of 64,000 developers. TL;DR — a ton.

Amazon, the world’s most remarkable firm, is just getting started.
Want to learn about AI? Here are a bunch of resources to get you started.

We live in a culture bubble. To many, this article is astonishingly accurate. And whether or not you can directly relate to the scenes this author outlines — I am sure you can draw a clear picture of the bubble you inhabit.

Q: What are you doing to break out of your social and economic bubbles?

Following their founder’s announcement earlier this year, Medium announces a new subscription model. Will this transform the reading and writing experience and fix the incentive problem? Hunter Walk shared his thoughts on “Why We’re Still Paying for Content.”

Virgin America shut down. Richard Branson shared some, as always, profound thoughts.

BONUS VIDEO — AUTO X (self-driving cars…WOHOOOO✨🚙))
Products & Companies to Watch.

Snappr — On demand photographers.

Wilson — A human powered bot that helps you find things to do.

Breather — Meeting rooms, on-demand.

NearGroup — Online dating on FB messenger.

Deepgram and Jot Engine — audio transcription .

Penny — A personal finance coach.

A Person to Learn About. (<-New Section)

Elon Musk. — Read this — Watch on “Building the Future

Thanks for reading 🙇🏻

Once again, thanks so much for reading. Hope you found a thing or two that may seem interesting. If you have any feedback, just hit REPLY — I’ll respond :)

A few updates from me:

- My latest project — Storyheap is growing quickly! Read our coverage in Mashable.

- Scaphold, the startup I work for, just graduated YCombinator! And is doing really well!

- We’re updating Templates for Gmail super soon -> tons of new features coming :)

- My talk last week went on “Accelerating your career” went okay…still working on improving how I communicate my thoughts. It is a long learning process, but something I am excited for.

Originally published at Jordan Gonen.