Why you should tell stories in business: The art of storytelling

A guide to deepen your connections with customers

Farhan Tawfeeq
2 min readMay 8, 2024
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

There is a surprising but effective strategy to build the trust of your target audience towards your brand. It is nothing but storytelling.

We love stories. Stories gain our attention immediately and makes us feel the respective emotion. Brands can use this technique to increase the connection with customers.

What stories to tell?

There isn’t a specific criteria to tell stories. You can tell any real story you wish. It may be your story or your successful customers' one.

You may not have stories to tell at the beginning of your career, but as you gain experience, you will have many stories to tell.

Evoking emotions:

There are a lot of emotions to create with your stories. Make them feel happy or inspire them or even make them cry. It’s your choice!

Making them happy:

It might be one of your customers' success story. If your brand is working on changing people’s lives or making it easier, try this one.

Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Inspiring them:

Again, it can be one of your customers' success story. But, I would recommend that you tell your own story to inspire people instead of telling others' stories. This way, you can deepen your connection with your customers.

Making them cry:

I am not saying you to hurt them! Make them emotional. Neither your customers nor you are in this process. You directly tell stories of other people who were not able to access your products or services. You are here telling a failure story. Advertise your brand at the end, providing them solution.

This is the art of storytelling. I recommend that, if you have a personal brand (which is a must for every business owner), share your stories more than you share others' stories.

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