An Ashley Madison Online Survey — Because They Care

Well they probably care, and that’s good enough for me

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
The Scarlett Letter
6 min readJan 17, 2021


Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

Every once in a while, AM, as we call it in the biz, likes to check in on us filthy cheaters. No one needs to hear about 2020 and how shitty it was, or how shitty 2021 is so far, but I guess AM wanted to know how we’re doing. Even with a vaccine coming and a Trump going, cheaters won’t be happy until we can hook up with our lovers again without the fear of dying.

(Screen capture: Author)

But this survey? I am a little suspect about the people who put it together, because the couple on the left aren’t cheaters.

That’s not the sort of couch you’d find in a hotel, but in a home. Cheaters wouldn’t be at home, but in a hotel in the middle of the afternoon. Do you see the light coming in the window? That’s day time. Him in his casual shorts and tee, and her in nice light dress? That’s how you dress on a Saturday. Saturday is family time. Most mid-day dates occur during the week, so it’s usually working attire, in a hotel somewhere.

This picture is a husband and wife at home on a Saturday afternoon, yukking it up as they sit on the floor and scan the iPad…

