Three Immersive Techniques to Practice the Only Intellectual Factor That Wards off Dementia

There’s only one way to keep your brain youthful in the long run.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


A woman reading Harry Potter.
Photo by Dids

The brain is the most magical organ in the body. It controls everything, and there is nothing it can’t do.

“If you think it you can do it” — This popular self-improvement advice has been proven by science.

Your brain can help you achieve goals that you didn’t even realize you had. It’s a wonderful organ that you need to protect from the evil clutches of dementia.

Here are the three things you can do to ward off dementia according to science

Always be a student

The best way to keep your brain strong is to engage in lifelong learning. Stay a student and explore your curiosity to the fullest.

Learning will keep the gears in your brain well-oiled and will protect it from becoming slow and tardy.

Learning helps you build new neuron connections, it’s so powerful that it changes your brain structure in real life.

The more you learn, read, and practice the faster your brain works. You can beat dementia simply by learning something new every day.



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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