Taking Care of Yourself Is Overrated

You have been sold a lie: self-sufficiency won’t make you happy.

Chris Wojcik
Mind Cafe


Photo via Martial Paradise

People love to romanticize their independence.

I know because I’ve done it, I’ve seen people around me do it, and I’m a part of a culture where being “self-sufficient” is seen as the crown jewel of personal development.

If you can take care of yourself, you’re supposed to be “safe”. No one can hurt you if you “love yourself”. You’re supposed to be completely self-sufficient — financially, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

When you can take care of yourself, they say that you’re supposed to be “good”.

But you’re not.

For the last year, I’ve been on a personal mission to create a life where I’m able to take care of myself, feel free from dependence on others, and make a living doing what I love (while traveling, going on adventures, and doing other fun stuff).

I created this life, and I’m realizing now that this was only the first step in what I’ve really wanted out of my life.

I don’t want to be happy.

A few weeks ago, I went on a really nice vacation in Italy.

