Cardano Poised for Success: Ripple Case & Coinbase’s Legal Battle Provide Positive Outlook

Tap In With TapTools
Tap In With TapTools
5 min readJul 17, 2023


The recent legal developments surrounding the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and its cases against Ripple and Coinbase have significant implications for the cryptocurrency industry. In particular, the SEC’s loss to Ripple and the initial hearing of the Coinbase vs. SEC lawsuit seem to give Coinbase a substantial advantage. This article examines the implications of these events and how they can be seen as a positive development for Cardano, considering that its native currency, Ada, was listed as a security in the Binance and Coinbase lawsuits.

Accusations By The SEC

According to the SEC’s complaint, Coinbase has been charged with operating as an unregistered national securities exchange, broker, and clearing agency. The SEC alleges that Coinbase has unlawfully facilitated the buying and selling of crypto asset securities without registering these functions with the Commission as required by law. Coinbase’s failure to register has deprived investors of essential protections, including SEC inspection, recordkeeping requirements, and safeguards against conflicts of interest. The full complaint can be found here.

These allegations also assert that the crypto assets offered by Coinbase, including tokens like $SOL, $ADA, $MATIC, and others, fall under the purview of securities laws. The SEC is also arguing that Coinbase’s staking program, which includes stakeable crypto assets, should be deemed an investment contract and thus a security.

Coinbase’s Court Document Challenges SEC’s Allegations

In a court document filed on June 28, Coinbase presented a comprehensive 177-page argument challenging the SEC’s allegations. This document, accessible here, highlights key points that expose contradictions and inconsistencies surrounding the case.

Coinbase argues that it operates as a secondary marketplace rather than a securities exchange or broker, questioning the SEC’s classification. The document points out the contradiction between the SEC’s approval of Coinbase’s registration statement without requiring further registration and references SEC Chair Gary Gensler’s testimony on the SEC’s authority to regulate crypto trading. Coinbase also invokes historical interpretations to dispute the classification of assets on its platform as investment contracts.

These compelling arguments in the court document shed light on contradictions and inconsistencies in the case, emphasizing the need for clearer regulatory guidelines within the cryptocurrency industry.

Access the full court document here.

Contradictions and Criticisms of the SEC’s Actions

The SEC’s recent enforcement actions against Coinbase have raised concerns due to potential contradictions with the Securities Registration Statement (S-1) filed by Coinbase and obtained from the SEC. Coinbase actively collaborated with the SEC during the S-1 filing process, which indicates a cooperative relationship between the two entities. However, the subsequent lawsuit filed by the SEC brings into question the consistency of the SEC’s approach to cryptocurrency regulation.

The S-1 filing is a comprehensive document that provides detailed information about a company seeking to go public, including its financials, operations, and regulatory compliance. It serves as a crucial tool for investors and regulators to assess the company’s business model and adherence to applicable laws. In the case of Coinbase, the S-1 filing represents a thorough review of its operations, conducted in partnership with the SEC.

The contradiction arises from the fact that the SEC’s enforcement actions against Coinbase, such as the allegations of operating as an unregistered exchange and broker, seem to deviate from the guidance provided during the S-1 filing process. This discrepancy raises concerns about the SEC’s enforcement policies and whether there is favoritism towards traditional banks and entities that may be opposed to the growth of digital currencies.

The SEC’s enforcement actions not aligning with the guidance provided during the S-1 filing process create confusion and uncertainty for market participants. It raises questions about the SEC’s regulatory stance on cryptocurrencies and its consistency in enforcing regulations within the rapidly evolving crypto industry. This inconsistency can have broader implications for the market, as it may deter innovation and hinder the growth of digital currencies.

Coinbase’s’ S-1 Filing can be found here: Coinbase S-1 Filing

It is essential for regulatory agencies to provide clear and consistent guidelines to foster a transparent and thriving cryptocurrency ecosystem. The contradictions between the SEC’s enforcement actions and Coinbase’s S-1 filing underscore the need for greater regulatory clarity and collaboration between regulators and industry participants to ensure a fair and well-regulated environment for digital currencies.

Ripple’s Victory and Regulatory Clarity

On July 13, 2023, Ripple scored a partial victory in its fight against the SEC. The U.S. District Court of the Southern District of New York ruled that the sale of Ripple’s XRP tokens on exchanges and through algorithms did not constitute investment contracts, removing the securities classification for those transactions. This ruling provides some regulatory clarity for the cryptocurrency industry and weakens the SEC’s position in other lawsuits that argue cryptocurrencies are securities. However, the court also stated that the institutional sale of XRP tokens violated federal securities laws, indicating that there are still aspects of the regulatory landscape that need to be clarified.

The Initial Hearing of Coinbase vs. SEC Lawsuit

During the initial court hearing for the Coinbase vs. SEC lawsuit, Judge Katherine Polka Faila expressed skepticism towards the SEC’s position. The judge highlighted a discrepancy between the SEC’s assertion of not intending to regulate all cryptocurrencies and its pursuit of alleged securities law violations against Coinbase. Judge Faila referenced Coinbase’s approved S-1 filing for its IPO, suggesting that Coinbase’s actions with its Lend program were in line with what the SEC allowed. The judge’s statements indicate a favorable outlook for Coinbase in the lawsuit, as she questioned the SEC’s regulatory approach and pointed out potential inconsistencies.

Positive Implications for Cardano

The recent SEC loss to Ripple and the positive signals received by Coinbase in its legal battle against the SEC can be seen as positive developments for Cardano. Considering that Cardano’s native currency, Ada, was listed as a security in the Binance and Coinbase lawsuits, the potential weakening of the SEC’s position on securities classification benefits Cardano. It opens up opportunities for Cardano to navigate regulatory challenges more favorably and potentially enhances its standing in the cryptocurrency market. Cardano’s focus on compliance and regulatory clarity positions it well to leverage these developments and establish itself as a trusted and compliant platform for decentralized finance.


The recent legal developments involving the SEC, Ripple, and Coinbase have important implications for the cryptocurrency industry. The SEC’s loss to Ripple and the favorable initial hearing for Coinbase in its lawsuit against the SEC indicate a potential advantage for Coinbase and a positive development for Cardano. These events could lead to a more favorable regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies, including Cardano’s Ada, and contribute to the growth and adoption of digital currencies in the finance world. However, ongoing regulatory challenges and the need for further clarity in the space highlight the importance of continued dialogue between regulators and industry participants.

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