Living Centred on Jesus

Oasis Church Birmingham
Oasis Church Birmingham


Adrian kicked off 2023 on Sunday with a message all about ‘Living Centred on Jesus’ — highlighting eight different practices that can help us each to keep Jesus at the centre of our lives this year. His encouragement wasn’t for us to to immediately try and implement all of them into our lives, but rather to take some time to think about one or two practices that we might want to prioritise this year.

You can listen again to the whole message using the player below:

Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11:28–30 is that we should come to Him, be yoked to Him, and find rest in our souls. This yoking together with Jesus isn’t about our working harder, but allowing the gentle and humble Jesus direct us in the specific way He chooses, because He fully knows each of us. That’s the foundation of the eight practices below: not something extra to fit into our already-busy schedules, but rhythms that help shape us to keep Jesus at the centre and allow us to find in Him the full depth and breadth of rest for our souls.

  1. Sustained
    - John 15:1–7, Ephesians 1:3–11, Romans 8:1–17, John 14:15–27
  2. Scripture
    - Matthew 4:4, Psalm 1, Psalm 119:105–112
  3. Slowing Down
    Luke 10:38–42
  4. Silence & Solitude (including Prayer & Fasting)
    Mark 1:35, Matthew 6:6–13 & 16–18
  5. Simplicity
    Matthew 6:19–34, 3:37 and 22:37–39
  6. Sharing
    Mark 6:32–34, Matthew 26:36–38 and 17:1–13
  7. Sabbath
    Matthew 12:1–14 and Mark 2:27
  8. Sacraments
    Mark 1:9–11, Matthew 28:19–20, Matthew 26:26–29, Ephesians 4:4–5, Romans 6:1–4, Acts 2:42, 1 Corinthians 11:23–26

Listen to Adrian’s talk for more detail on each practice, and look out for ‘The Way To Stay Centred’ — an eight week online learning community exploring one practice each week — returning later this year!



Oasis Church Birmingham
Oasis Church Birmingham

Oasis is a community of people from Birmingham and the surrounding area who believe that Jesus changes everything