Are You Able to Resist the Siren’s Song?

Do you give in to the voices?

Elaine Hilides


Photo by Maximilian Müller on Unsplash

You know the story of Ulysses and the Sirens, don’t you?

Ulysses wasn’t too big to take advice from the goddess Circe who warned him about the Sirens. These two monsters, who pretend to be beautiful women with amazing voices, draw in sailors who pass their island.

They entranced them with beautiful songs so they could kill them.

Circe tells Ulysses to make his crew fill their ears with beeswax so they can’t hear the song and aren’t beguiled by the Sirens.

But Ulysses wants to hear their song, so he orders his sailors to tie him firmly to the ship’s mast and not to untie him until they are away from the island.

When he hears the song, he longs to swim to the island and embrace the Sirens. He strains against the rope that binds him to the ship’s mast and doesn’t stop trying to escape until the song is an echo.

What Sirens Call to You?

Food Sirens

Many of my weight loss clients tell me that food calls to them.

But these voices are in your head, your voice, your thoughts.

You think of something that you want to eat, and then you either follow the thought or you…



Elaine Hilides

I'll help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Currently enjoying a digital nomadic life travelling, working and having fun.