Electric vehicles on the moev
….not a typo
MOEV is a startup with smart solutions for powering EVs 🚗⚡️🔋✅
California is on track to lead the transition to electric vehicles.
Tesla are pumping out Model 3s…sort of
California Governor Jerry Brown has set a target of 5 million electric vehicles on the road by 2030 and will invest $2.5 billion in charging infrastructure to support them.
Shell just bought an electric vehicle charging startup.
So how will the existing electrical grid cope with this transition?
With the classic Californian combo of innovation and entrepreneurship. 🦄
California Clean Energy Fund is backing MOEV, a startup developing smart solutions for managing electric vehicle energy usage within microgrids.
Their technology includes a system that:
“integrates vehicle to grid, stationary storage, distributed energy resources and grid conditions while monitoring and predicting the changes to the availability of each component.”
The MOEV founders have years of academic expertise. 👨🎓👩🎓
They developed their smart grid ideas through research at the UCLA’s Smart Grid Energy Research Center.
The MOEV strategy is to “integrate its cloud-hosted platform, distributed algorithmic and Artificial Intelligence based smart charging, power control and management architecture and market-specific mobile apps, to provide a comprehensive solution….”
Say what now…?
Essentially, MOEV are using BIG data and science to optimize the storage and distribution of energy.
This will allow us to charge EVs more quickly and conveniently, in a renewable and sustainable way…all of which is helping to fast-track our transition to the 100% clean energy economy.